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Case Study

Homoeopathy in the ICU
Dr Sanjay Banerjee.
` Sec-c / Sep / Op

Occasionally we are summoned to treat a patient in the intensive care unit. These patients are usually unconscious or heavily sedated by a cocktail of potent drugs, and have many tubes and catheters inserted in them. There is also an air conditioner running. All these suppress the signs and symptoms and put us in a dilemma. How to prescribe a true similimum?

From the beginning, we have been taught to - prescribe on the totality of symptoms alone. Again Kent says: "do not expect results when the prescription is made on particulars".

Hahnemann was the one who first taught us to prescribe on totality of symptoms (Aphorism 118), but he had also instructed us to be Unprejudiced observers, (Aphorism 6).

Observe, observe and observe. Despite all the above impediments, wise nature sometimes still manages to reveal some signs to the observer.

Be "unprejudiced". Having favourite remedies for a name of disease will surely lead to failures.

In the ICU patient, get details of the complaints which will help in prescribing. Is the patient experiencing a high fever? Is it continuous or intermittent? Is the sweat absent? what is the time of the paroxysm? what are the concomitants? Are the pupils dilated? Is the breathing stertorous does he want to be fanned? Are these symptoms suppressed or produced by drugging?