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Case Study

Few Specimens of Quick Cures
Sarla Sonawala.
` Ars / Acon / Apis / Podo / Sil / Cham

Case 1:
A seven weeks old infant had pneumonia with fever upto 102 degree F since 6 weeks despite antibiotics. Meningitis was suspected with the fever shooting further to 103.6° F and the child was moved to a hospital. While preparations were being made to do a lumbar puncture, the child's grandfather thought of homoeopathy and took the child home against medical advice. With a family history of tuberculosis in the background, I gave Tuberculinum 1M as a precaution against meningitis turning tubercular. This proved a waste of 12 hours. Next, I could think of nothing but Arsenic-alb in this case of wriggling child and debilitating fever. Arsenic 200 every 3 hours brought down the fever to 99° F within 12 hours, and then to normal.

Case 2:
A child of 2 years had loose watery stools around 12-14 per day. Advised against homoeopathy, the parents took him to an allopath. After the medicine, the child started vomiting. He could nor retain even water. He came back to homoeopathy. Ars-alb 200 repeatedly given, stopped the vomiting but the diarrhoea persisted. Podophyllum 200 one dose was given which stopped the diarrhoea. In the evening the child passed a well formed stool.

Case 3:
On a cold and wintery night, I was called to see an old gentleman in the neighboring building. He had sudden high temperature of 104° F. Aconite 1M every four hours brought the fever down to 100° F. The next evening the venerable old man climbed up the staircase to my house to report his good health.

Case 4:
Mrs. N.J. 29, years old, had Status asthmaticus since the last few days. No medicine helped. I saw her, folding her legs against the chest. Medorrhinum 1M every few hours took away the intensity, then the continuity of breathlessness and bronchial spasms in 24 hours.

Case 5:
The heroine was me. I was cleaning the corners of my house with great vigor and suddenly an insect bit the tip of my right middle finger. I had a wave of stinging burning pain along my right hand. Ledum? No Apis 200. One dose and the current of fire was switched off, as if.

Case 6:
Toothache is no emergency. However, its pain can madden even a philosopher. I, being a mere mortal, writhed in agony with my left molar aching wildly. As pain was a little better by warm drinks, I took Silicea 1M. No relief. Suddenly I realized that I pressed my head down against the table - so why not Sanguinaria? A dose or two and I could give my Materia Medica lecture in college in the next hour.

Case 7:
Forty years back, my daughter - (the editor of your NJH) - howled with colic - and raised her feet against the abdomen with every spasm. I was not a homoeopath then, but had written down a few remedies from my trusted Dr. Maganlal Desai. Reading my notes, I found Colocynth 30 suitable. The child quietened down quickly with loud flatus from the lower end! Once when she was bitten by a dog, Ledum 30 helped down her cries, against all the members of the family clamouring for anti-rabid vaccine. 

Likewise, I once brought her fever of 101° F down with Ferr-phos 30 amidst my layman confusion over Belladonna - Bryonia - Rhus-tox - Ferr-phos. More often than not, I have hit her with Chamomilla pills (not with a stick) when she indulged in her temper tantrums! Perhaps those titbits of quick cures paved the way to my studying homoeopathy in later years.