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Case Study

Some Opinions Of Masters.
Balakrishnan E.
` Chin-s.

According to Jhar-Merc-sol and Pulsatilla are the remedies for cases of deafness attended with otorrhoea and if these remedies fail the trio-Sul, Calc-c and Lyco to be considered.

According to Dr. Schwartz:-"If you have a case of Menieres disease consider Calc-c, it is a near specific." Yet another drug, which has given good result in the treatment of Menieres disease is Proteus (Bach) a bowel nosode.

Dr. Y.R. Agrawal writes about this nosode as under:- "The therapeutic value of this Bowel Nosode lies in the outstanding symptoms, in cases related to central or peripheral nervous systems and symptoms which appear with a degree of suddenness. "Brain-storm" is the phrase which characterises this explosiveness and its applicability in the case of Migraine.

"Menieres disease where spasm of the brain circulation results in vertigo attacks come within the range of curative action of this nosode".

Cases 1:

A lady school teacher, 53 years, came to me in Feb 94 with impaired hearing in the left ear with frequent episodes of severe vertigo and nausea, diagnosed as Menieres No relief obtained with allopathic treatment.

Past History-She had discharge from the ear about a year earlier better by allopathy. She looked to be a Calcarea-carb plus my earlier experience with the drug, prompted me to try Calc-c in graduated potencies from 200 to 10M. But improvement was not satisfactory. As such, she was given Proteus 1000 for 2 days. There was immediate severe aggravation of all symptoms which was really alarming. However, all the complaints gradually subsided within a fortnight resulting in recovery. Hearing in the left ear also showed marvellous improvement.

Ed. Why was Proteus given?

Case 2:

M aged 75. Reported impaired hearing and acute reverberating noises in both the ears. No relief with allopathy.

Has lost confidence in moving out without an escort. I took the case in January 1994 and found that he had Hypertension for four years and Otitis Media two years back. Impaired hearing was subsequent to the cure of the ear discharge by Allopathy.

Treatment and Follow-up: Chin-s 200, 3 Doses
14/6/94:-Not much improvement. Chin-s 1000, 2 Doses (Considering the immediate major complaint of noises in the ear, Chin-s was tried but without benefit.) 10/7.94-Bar-c 10 M, 2 Doses, 12 hours apart. (Bar-carb for impaired hearing in the aged).
24/7/94-Reported noises in the ear not less intense. Bar-c 10M. one dose.
4/8/94-Relieved of the noises in the ear. Some improvement in hearing as well.
Kali-mur 1000-8 doses . (Advised to take two doses every week and to report progress periodically.
20/8/1994-Reports good improvement in hearing.
Continued Kali-mur 1000 weekly two doses.
By the end of November 1994, besides getting relief from the noises in the ear, the hearing improved by 70 percent.


KR 321-Impaired hearing (Deafness)-Bar-c, Chin-s
BR 729-Impaired hearing (Deafness)-Bar-c, Kali-mur.
KR 323-Impaired hearing of old people-Bar-c
BR 730-Impaired hearing of old people-Kali-mur
KR 292-Noises in the ear-Bar-c, CHIN-S
BR 733-Noises in the ear-Bar-c., Kali-mur
KR 298-Noises reverberating-Bar-c
KR 299-Noises roaring Bar-c., Chin-s
KR 13-Want of self confidence-Bar-c.
Bogers Synoptic Key-Hypertension-Bar-c.
Phataks Rep 35-Hypertension-Bar-c.
Kali-mur: is a remedy for deafness.-Boger.
Kali-mur- is the most valuable single remedy for the deafness following purulent or catarrhal otitis media.-Dr Moffat.
Kali-mur-is the most valuable remedy for deafness following otitis media.-Dr Moffat.
Kali-mur- is the most valuable remedy for deafness following otitis media.-Dr Dewey.