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Case Study

Silicea's fibrolytic property gives Sight
Dr Supriya Nayak

Seeing one of my acquaintances going to a renowned eye hospital [Shankara Netralaya, Chennai] for the third time, for the treatment of his eye condition diagnosed as "Eales" disease, prompted me to consult authentic reference books of ophthalmology to have a detailed knowledge about the disease. I found the major pathological outcome of the disease was proliferation of fibroblasts, which was the product of recurrent vitreous haemorrhages from a retinal vein usually in the peripheral region. There are strands of fibrous tissue sweeping forward from the optic disc into the vitreous which often become attached to the peripheral retina at one or more places and contraction of these fibrous strands may finally produce traction detachment of the retina leading to blindness. I thought if these fibrous tissue, both on the optic disc and in the vitreous, can be dissolved it may give radical improvement and may prevent blindness. As far as I knew no other remedy can equal Silica in stimulating the organism to reabsorb fibrotic conditions and fibrous tissue. Silicea is also proved to be efficacious for inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the eye. Armed with this knowledge, I became intensely desirous to take up the case, but he continued to undergo his usual surgical treatment. 

Ultimately, 6 months later, he came to me after having received exhaustive treatment [medical/surgical including laser beam] but with negligible improvement. I got the opportunity to render our treatment and to see the response of pathological prescription of Silicea. 

Let me present a synopsis of the case.
28 years, Hindu Male
C/o Total loss of vision [R] eye -since Aug '96
H/ P.R.P - R.E in Aug '94 [although there was no difficulty in vision of RE, yet it was seen to be affected 
Vitrectomy + SB +EL - L.E. in Oct '94 [After that vision of L.E improved partially]
In Aug '96, sudden loss of vision in RE, seek ophthalmologist's opinion.
O/e RE pupil sluggish PR===
Fresh Vitreous Hemorrhage, no fundal glow
USG- Vitreous Hemorrhage with flat retina.
Post Sb and EL Epiretinal membrane formation.
Eye consultant advised R.E -repeat USG after 6 weeks.
L.E. might require membrane resection.
Referred to VRF Shankara Netralaya for above manouvre urgently.
No surgical intervention done because Vitreous blood clot [H/O massive Vitreous Hemorrhage] still remains and advised to visit for further check up after 3 months to decide whether vitrectomy can be done. 

At last he came for Homoeopathic treatment.
20/11/96 - Arnica-mont 200/7d, OM, SL 14d., O.N
15/12/96 - Total loss of vision RE; No >
Silicea 30 /4d, every 7 days night and morning. S.L 14d AM
19/1/97 - Loss of vision, R.E -V. slight > till 16/1/97, but then < as before.
Silicea 200/2d, night and morning SL 21d, ON
16/2/97 -Vision RE SL.>
Silicea 200/2d, S.L 28d, O.N
16/3/97 Vision RE < but then slight>
Silicea 1M/2d, SL 14d, A.N
13/4/97-Vision R.E > than before Arn-mont 200./7d, ONSL 14d. OM
3/5/97 Vision R.E > than before Arn-mont 1M/4d OM
25/5/97 Vision R.E slight > Arn 1M/7d O.N.
15/6/97 Vision R.E No further > Silicea 30/2d.
13/7/97 Vision R.E no > Calc-carb 30/4d, O.N.
10/8/97 Vision R.E -slight < than before Silicea 30/4d, B.D
7/9/97-Vision, R.E -SL < than before Silicea 200/3d, night, morning, night.
5/10/97-Vision, RE -no > Silicea 1M/4d. B.D
9/11/97-Vision, RE - > than before S.L 14d, A.N
7/12/97 -Vision, RE -much > than before Silicea 1M/2d, night and morning.

From course of our treatment it is seen that our prescription has been almost confined to Silicea and Arnica-mont, as an acute. On pathological indication only we have prescribed Silicea with confidence, due to its strong fibrolytic property and Arnica-mont was given as an intercurrent to absorb Vitreous blood clot. We got very encouraging results.

Now the patient's vision is clear with his [R] eye [H/o total loss of vision] and leading his normal routine life, even doing his professional work as orthopaedic technician without any hindrance. Diminished vision of [L] eye, as partially improved after vitrectomy done two years ago, remains unchanged, whereas vision of [R] eye [vitrectomy advised but not done] has improved significantly, rather much more than that of [L] eye in course of our treatment. As we have given pathological prescription here, we have not given the totality of symptoms of this case.