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Case Study

As An Eliminating Symptom To Find The Constitutional Remedy
Dr V K Sivaraman
'Sep / Sul / Phos / Ars-alb / Lyco / Calc-c / Lyco

This is a new technique in finding the constitutional remedy of patients who wear glasses for refractory errors. We can use these just like the eliminating symptom of Miller's hot remedy patients or Cold remedy patients. While Dr Gibson Miller has given 47 remedies that are AGG by heat, 111 remedies that are AGG by cold, and 5 that are AGG by both. 

To explain: 
- if a patient is AGG by heat, 
- if he is ill after a long sun exposure, 
- if he wants a cool room, 
- if he prefers cold weather, 
- if he never goes near the fire or 
- if he enters the consultation room with his shirt unbuttoned

Then he belongs to Dr Gibson Miller's predominantly hot remedies and whatever his ailment, you cut out all the cold remedies, such as Aconite, Ars-alb, Belladonna, Calc-carb, Nux-vomica, Nitric-ac, Phos, Sepia, Silica etc and retain all the hot remedies like Arg-nit, Bryonia, Lachesis, Lycopodium, Natrum-mur, Pulsatilla or Sulphur etc. 

For a cold patient, you take into account only cold remedies by eliminating the hot remedies. In a case predominantly AGG by hot remedies, even if you consider one cold remedy that fits the case aptly, you may get only a temporary relief to the immediate condition but the patient would relapse again and again. It will not hold well. It may act as a palliative drug but not as a curative drug. 

By utilizing the eliminating symptom of hot and cold remedies, you get comparatively small number of drugs through all the rubrics and the selection of remedy becomes easier and quicker. You will generally find, as you work down, that one drug stands out more pre dominantly; it may not cover all the rubrics but at least cover all the important ones. 

I use , in the same way,Hypermetropia (long sight or inability to see the objects which are nearer i.e. using + lenses or convex lens) and to Myopia (shortsighted or inability to see the objects which are at a distance i.e. wearing - lenses or concave lens). 

Dr Kent has given a list nearly 39 remedies for Hypermetropic on page 280 and another list of 53 myopic remedies on page 283 under chapter Vision in his General Repertory. If a patient has got both hypermetropia and myopia, we have to combine both the rubrics and remedies, and find out the remedies common to both rubrics. Now you will get 18 remedies the are Arg-nit, Calc-carb, Conium, Gratiola, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Mezererum, Nat-carb, Nat-mur, Petroleum, Phos, Physostigma, Psorinum, Raphanus, Stramonium, Sulphur and Valeriana. 

Apart from Kent, Boeninghausen, in his general repertory, page 345, has introduced Am-carb. 

I have been using this system of eliminating rubric of hypermetropia and myopia for the last 25 years. Somehow, it struck me to include this as a very important symptom on repertorisation for patients who wear glasses. You may ask me whether the application of this rubric will remove the refractory errors of the patient. Yes, in cases that have come primarily for removing glasses, by giving the proper remedy for a long time, you may either cure the defect or may reduce the refractory error or at least the condition will not deteriorate. We have not tapped these rubrics so far, even though they are available in Dr Kent's General Repertory.

In Dr Bidwell's book, 'How to use the Repertory,' he has written on pg 54 [in some it is 48], "special senses are often so closely related to the whole man, that a great many of these symptoms are generals: odours make sick, oversensitiveness to sound, noise, light etc are classed in this group.". In that sense, vision too cimes under the category of special senses, and becomes a general symptom. In a patient with myopia or hypermetropia we cannot eliminate this symptom from his case, as this will help us to select the correct remedy. 

Now, how to find out which group the patient belongs to longsight, shortsight or both? Either by the prescription of glasses or by another simple procedure to know the defect. Please hold the glasses in front of your eyes opposite to a printed board and move them towards your left side. If the letters move towards opposite side or right side, the patient is longsighted.. If the letters move on the same side or left side, the patient is shortsighted. A list of Hypermetropic and Myopic remedies is given below: 

Hypermetropia: Acon, Aesc, Alum, Arg-n, Bell, Bry, Calc, Carb-an, Caust, Chel, Chin, Coloc, Con, Dros, Grat, Hyos, Lil-t, Lye, Mag-m, Mez, Morph, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nux-v, Onos, Petr, Phos, Phys, Phyt, Psor, Raph, Sang, Sep, Sil, Spig, Stram, Sulph, Tub, Valer. 

Myopia: Agar, Am-c, Anac, Apis, Arg-n, Ars, Calc, Carb-s, Carb-v, Chin, Cimic, Coff-t, Con, Cycl, Dig, Euphr, Gels, Graph, Grat, Hyos, Jab, Lach, Lyc, Mang, Meph, Mez, Nat-a, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nat-p, Nit-ac, Petr, Ph-ac, Phos, Phys, Pic-ac, Plb, Psor, Puls, Paph, Ruta, Sel, Spong, Stram, Sulph, Sul-ac, Syph, Thuj, Tub, Viol-o, Valer, Verb, Viol-t

To substantiate my views, I present a few cases treated on the abovementioned basis. 

Case 1: A patient came with C/o glaring vision and constipation. He had foul smell in his mouth, fond of beautiful things and light music. Fear of being alone. Believes in God, religion, philosophy and above all Nature. He had poor sleep and got up refreshed. Insomnia aggravates his symptoms. Feels better with sunglasses and when occupied. Stomach symptoms are AGG by sour things and flatulence causing foods. After passing urine, he has a sensation that the bladder has not emptied. He has hypermetropic vision and uses bifocallenses. Fear of being alone, better when occupied and hypermetropioa [+vison] worked out to Calc, Con, Lil-tig, Lyco, Mezer, Nat-c, Nux-v, Sep and Sil, AGG sour things worked out to Nat-c, Nux-v and Sep. AGG by flatulent food brought out Sepia.
Sepia 200 a few doses spread over a period of 3 months completely cured his constipation and glare in vision. 

Case 2: A case of Epistaxis with myopia in a bank employee. Epistaxis of nearly 25 years; Periodical bleeding increasing in frequency, began once every year, then every 6 months, then every 3 months, then monthly, every fortnight, then every week, weekly twice and now the frequency is twice a day. All attempts at treatment had failed.

The symptoms of the case are: Desire for loneliness, Myopia, AGG by head bath, bleeding starts immediately, back pain better by pressure and by hot application, AGG cool drinks, sleeps on cold floorand is intolerant of clothing. Exposure to sun produced immediate bleeding. Head bath AGG, Myopia and sun exposure worked out to Calc, Carb-v, Puls and Sulph. back pain better by hot application added to that, brought out Sulphur only. Occasional doses of Sulphur 200 and 1M completely cured Epistaxis of 25 years duration within 5 months. 

Case 3: A case of Myopia with gastric problem. His stomach complaints are relieved by warm drinks, he sleeps on abdomen, his near and distant vision are Myopic. An elderly person, he likes company very much. Slight irritation in liver region, which he feels better after eating. Himself a Homoeopath, he took Graph, Lyco, Nux-v, Sulph, and Ars-alb, which gave no relief. He was not in a position to say whether Ars-alb had given him relief or not, since he had tried it only once Working out the case, I combined the rubrics better by lying on abdomen and better by warm drinks which brought out Ars-alb, Bry, Chelid and Rhus-tox. Myopia or Remedies were added to that and I got Ars-alb. It was given in 200th potency 4 or 5 times and the patient became better. 

Case 4: One patient had developed skin eruptions in left hand. It started with the left leg then the right leg and finally to left hand. These were moist eruptions, better by hot application. Patient uses + lenses since 15 years. The patient cannot tolerate hunger and stomach conditions were relieved by eructation. Sweets AGG his skin conditions, complaints from suppression of sex, changes position in sleep, standing aggravates. Desires Company. The case was worked out with the symptoms, standing AGG, better by eructation and desire for company which brought out Bry, Carb-v, Ign, Nux-v, Kali-c, Phos, Sep and Zinc. + Vision was added to this and I got Bry, Nux-v, Phos, Sep. Finally AGG by sweets was added and Phos came out as the medicine. 4 doses of Phos 200 completely cured the case within 20 days. 

Case 5: One 44 years old patient consulted me for impotency. He would get arousal during sleep. Greens, carrots, cabbage and beans affected his libido. Stimulants did not help him. Potato and other flatulence-giving items also diminished his libido. Likes cold weather, air conditioned room, has hot body, likes company and crowd AGG, feels better after eructation, quick ejaculation, oil bath AGG his libido, he uses + glasses for reading and contact lenses for distant vision. 

To work out: Desire for company, crowd AGG, noise AGG and quick ejaculation worked out to Bufo, Calc, Con, Lyc, Phos and Sep.-Vision was added next which brought out Cal-c, Con, Lyc and Phos, then better by eructation's, worked out to Lyc and Phos. Finally, cabbage and beans AGG was added. Phos was eliminated making Lyc the choice remedy. Lyc 200 gave him good relief. As it is a recent case, the patient is continuing Lyc with good reaction. This is a case based on Hypermetropia + Myopia. 

Case 6: A female patient aged 42 had sinusitis, AGG by dust allergy, started with used of perfumes & cold drinks. Gets headache after head bath with sneezing, running nose and blockade of nose. Always gets [R] sided headache, relieved by vomiting and sleep. Exposure to Sun results in headache. Likes to be alone, does not like crowds and noise. No Menstrual complaints. She has vision in [R] eye, left eye normal, wants plenty of air.

To work out: Head bath AGG headache & AGG by sun, worked out to Calc- c, Glon, Puls. Vision added to the above, Calc and Puls came up. Since the patient wanted more natural air, Pulsatilla was selected and given. Patient got very good relief within a month. 

Case 7: One gentleman, working as a sales manager in a private company had piles. He could not sit properly due to burning pain in rectum after stools. Had slight trace of diabetes. Desires calm atmosphere, craving for egg. Has Hypermetropia. Sweats profusely even with slight exertion. Avoids crowd. Feels better when occupied. Weak after intercourse and had quick ejaculation and AGG by cool drinks. Better when occupied and weak after intercourse worked out to Agar, Calc, China, Con, Lil-t, Lyc, Sep, Sil. Add Quick ejaculation: Calc-c, Con, Lyc and Sep. All the four remedies are covered by hypermetropia vision. Desire for brandy added which brought out only Calc and Sep. Finally, AGG by cold drinks eliminated SepCalc- carb 200 potency was given and the patient became all right within 2 months and even races of sugar disappeared. 

Case 8: An officer, aged 50, consulted for fissure in anus, burning pain, slight, relieved, and contracting the anus. Had prostate gland enlarged, hence residual urine. A case of hypertension, BP reading 160/105. Has both myopic and hypermetropic vision. Sour items AGG. Fridge water AGG. Has fear of thunder and lighting, crowd and noise AGG. Sour eructation and passing of gas relieves, generally, gets dreams of passing urine brought out AmbraLycSep, and desires loneliness, AGG crowd, dreams of passing urine gave Sulph, + vision added to that worked out to LycSep and Sulph, - vision added to that brought out Lyc and Sulph. AGG by sour items worked out of Sulph only. It is a recent case and the patient is improving very well. His BP is also coming down.

I have given in the above cases polychrest remedies. If you work out the cases, you will get only polychrest remedies. These remedies will act deep, long, and affect a cure within a short period. These remedies have been selected on the basis of mental generals and physical generals.

In astimatism, we use cylindrical glasses. Here also we have myopia, called myopic astigmatism and hypermetopic astigmatism. In some cases, both myopic and hypertropic astimatism will be present. You can use the same list of hypermetropic and myopic remedies presented earlier.