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Case Study

A Case of Habitual Abortions
Takyar S M.
` Plb.

A Lady patient who visited my clinic at Ambala in May 1991, wanted me to treat her sister, who resided at Lucknow. the patient aged 21 years had three successive abortions all during early period of pregnancy. She had been treated for the last few years by renowned allopaths of Lucknow with no relief. On the basis of the pathological examination report dated 27/4/1991 the patient was advised not to conceive again as it could prove fatal for both the mother and the child.

Since the a patient could come to Ambala, I could not get any father details except for repeated abortions. On the above basis I gave her Plumbum 10M two doses to be taken twice a day 4 hour separate, followed by SL. The patient reported general improvement and had the pathological test repeated on 17/7/1991 but was advised against conception. SL repeated.

2/7/92: On testing again the Gynaecologist was very happy with the result and allowed her to conceive. SL was repeated. She conceived very soon. I gave her Five Phos 6x-30X for weakness during th ante-natal period. She delivered a healthy female child at full term. Both the mother and child are in good health. I shall welcome any comments from my learned colleagues through the column of your esteemed journal on the above case.

The medicine was chosen on the following basis:.

  1. Abortion, pregnancy; beginning of-Plumbum (single medicine). The clinic repertory Dr P W shed MD, Page 81.
  2. Abortion, Tendency to_Plumbum. First grade. Kent Rep Pg-715.
  3. Abortion. Habitual, Plumb-M M Urdu Dr Dashiram MD, Vol II,