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Case Study

Homoeopathy: For Hepatitis B and C
Dr Mirza Anwer Baig
'Fl-ac / Opium / Thuja

Editor: the author had given us some general aspects also, but since general aspects have already been covered by other authors, in this paper we shall focus on Homoeopathic Aspects:

Conium has won laurels for very painful liver tumour, which matches with the clinical picture of Hep-C; Conium is a deep psoric and sycotic, anti-cancerous drug, the best oncologist in dynamic doses, particularly when the predominant cause of cancer is sycosis (suppressed gonorrhoea).

Flouric-acid has similar pathology of HBV (in chronic alcoholics) of syphilitic destructive nature, where the fibrosis begins with deposition of connective tissue around the terminal hepatic venules. As the lesion progresses, fibrosis also extends to surrounding zone 3 hepatocytes, creating a "Chicken wire" pattern, or "Hobnail appearance". This is effective when the liver is engorged or indurated with ascites.

Hepatitis-B pathology has soreness on the liver, while Hepatitis C has pain. 'B' has syphilitic tubercular type of pathology in form of cirrhosis while 'C' sycotic in form of tumours. If soreness of a Hep B patient is better lying on abdomen, think Phosphorus. If pain of a tumour case > by lying on abdomen, Medhorrinum would be the remedy. Phosphorus and Flouric-acid have more ascitis than Medhorrinum. In hepatitis 'B' the history of blood transfusion is common, while in hepatitis 'C' suppressed gonorrhoea.

Similarly, Opium has therapeutic efficacy on persistent fibrosis. Opium patients usually do not express their sufferings but their fear of extravagance speaks.

It reminds me a case of a lady, of around 50 yr, in an advanced stage of pathology: Abdomen bloated and hard, with colic and vomiting, diagnosed as multi-nodular hyper-texture homogeneocity of liver due to ? possibly Hepatitis-C. She was in a very bad state with poor prognosis but she kept on refusing to take homoeopathic medicines in a state of anticipated fright that "something else would happen". Although she was struggling with pain and discomfort, she said, "Kaheen kuch aur ho gaya to?" A dose of Opium 1M brought back the fight, and she developed malaria. After few days her malaria disappeared without any medicine and the nodule started disappearing. Thuja as an intercurrent helped her recoup completely.

If jaundice is due to obstruction to the flow of bile the symptom of jaundice, with itching and white stools occur. Here 'Dolichos' will help. This may also cause gastroduodenal reflux, with esophageal varices causing hematemesis or malaena, with jaundice. In such conditions, 'Leptandra' can be considered.

We have observed that HBV is often associated with physical or emotional trauma or psychological stress,which may aggravates or turns them pathogenic faster. In such cases Carcinosin is a better intercurrent; while HCV has anticipated anxiety for very small reasons. We find Medorrhinum and Virionum very effective in these cases.

In all cases Arnica, Apis, Bryonia, China, Nux-vomica, Ignatia, Pulsatilla and Sepia were also found effective as clinical remedies. Certain herbs, eg Chionanthus, Ceanonthus, Nyctanthes. Primul, and Ptelea proved good complementary medicines.

Case Report
8.6.2001: JV, 33 yr male, came with severe pain in hypochondria, extending from right to left. He was restless and weak, pain not better in any position and medicine. History revealed hospitalisation for observation of abdominal problem. He had fever, pain in the liver with vomiting. He was investigated for all possible causes - all NAD; so he was discharged with analgesics, antibiotics and sedatives. F/H Father died of kidney failure. Mother- diabetes. Other family members: asthma and TB. P/H: Jaundice, typhoid, malaria twice and urinary problem. SGOT was borderline with direct bilirubin slightly elevated, but urinary bile salts and pigments were normal. Other reports normal except Sonography, which revealed some form of hyper echotexture, suggestive of fatty liver.

Other complaints: Azoospermia - treated with androgens and male sexual hormones for 1 year. He responded initially, his sperms count went up to six million from zero count but then started falling again, and later did not respond. During one stage when his sperms count came down to 2 million, out of anxiety he took a few extra doses. From this story we suspected some neoplastic condition in form of hyper echotexture and advised screening for Hep C.

Prescribed Natrum-sulph-30 on following rubric: Pain in the liver region > body leaning forward; appetite less, vomiting eating after (Nausea eating while). Ineffectual urge, only flatus no stool. Yielding nature and<="" p="">

9.6.2001: Patient came with reports, and little relief. His sera specific for CA 19-9 was within range 2.5 (N=0.0-37.0U/ML), but SGPT was 67- out of range (N= 30-65U/L). Considering this as sycotic miasm: A dose of Thuja 200 as an intercurrent was given on the same day, supplemented with Conium in molecular doses, repeated one hourly. [Explanation: Thuja antidotes the after-effects of vaccine, while Medorrhinum is usually needed when the organ is involved]

14.6.2001: Patient much better; liver problem much less, but developed pain in the region of kidneys and knee joints. Placebo

28.6.2001: No pain in the liver or kidney, but pain in knee joints was much more, with cloudy urine. Medorrhinum 200 single dose given.

26.7.2001: Much better. Placebo continued.

27.7.2001: Patient now wanted to be treated for his sperms. Considering his anxiety we prescribed him Carcinosin as constitutional along with 'Ikshugandha', an Indian herb, in material doses. Ikshugandha (Tribulus) has good results in enhancing the male vigour, and also improves sperms.

14.8.2000: Patient still under treatment for that.