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Case Study

Catheterisation Made Redundant.
Gunavante S M.
` Caust / Puls.

Case 1:

I was called to see a patient Mrs R B aged 61 years. She had retention of urine for which she was hospitalized and catheterized. Later, she was discharged from the hospital with the catheter.

Her life story was that she had lost her husband many years ago and the most recent shock was the death of her young daughter, with whom she was residing, due to heart disease.

So shocked was she, that she could not cry on the death of her daughter. Later she developed retention of urine for which she was hospitalized twice in the last six months. She was also under psychiatric treatment for her loss of sleep and depression.

She complained of fullness of the bladder, no urging to urinate, scanty urine. She passed urine at long intervals.

She was very mild and not at all communicative about her complaints. She wanted somebody with her all the time. She did not like milk; wanted slow fanning. Thirst for 8 glasses of water a day.


  1. SR 19- AF grief
  2. SR 15- AF death of a child
  3. SR 149- Company desire for
  4. SR 986- Talk indisposed to
  5. SR 846- Sadness (Despondency dejection, mental depression)
  6. KR 646- Fullness of bladder without desire to urinate
  7. KR 660- Urination retarded
  8. KR 650- Bladder retention
  9. KR 662- Bladder weakness
  10. KR 660- Paralysis, forcible retention, seems to paralyze the bladder.


Causticum 1M four doses 12 hours apart were given. SL for 7 days. After a week, the catheter was removed. She started passing urine but not freely. Causticum 1Mwas continued  infrequently for one month and then stopped when she had no complaints.

Case 2: Idiopathic Haematuria

A 17 years old boy, came with painless haematuria. Various laboratory tests taken repeatedly revealed nothing adverse. When asked about his thermal reaction he said that he hated hot weather and was thirstless. His parents said he was mild. He was given Pulsatilla 1M once a day for three days and was asked to report after 15 days: No improvement in the haematuria.

On enquiry into the causation, parents said that the boy had to bring down the luggage from their 4th floor flat, on the day they were to leave for Puttaparti, as the lift was out of order and servant was not available. It was also found that whenever he underwent any unusual exertion like playing for long, climbing the bus to put the luggage on top and so on, the urine would be more bloody.

As this pathogenesis of Millefolium was an exact description of the causation given by Phatak, he was given Mill 200 twice daily for two days and then once daily for 4 days. The next week when the patient came there was no blood in urine.

Note: This description is not given in Boerickes Materia Medica.