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Case Study

But I Do Not Have MTV.
Rashmi Nagar.
` Fl-ac.

Doctor I want to know if my penis is normal," saying so entered a young man with a beaming smile and a flock of grey hair which was striking.

Not knowing how to respond; I started with the routine of history taking the story which unfolded was disturbing and sad.

This young man of 22 years was a student of computer engineering who scored ninety percent marks in the college. Totally uninhibited while revealing the story. When he was a young boy of seven years, he got into a relationship with his maid wherein the maid introduced him to the practice of oral sex. When asked if the mother was a working woman, he said no. This used to happen when the mother went out for sometime leaving him with the maid. This did not stop because he used to enjoy it and the parents were unaware of it!

When he joined college, he found a friend with whom he started having homosexual relations - indulging in sodomy.

When the college students were given lectures on sex education, he was terrified that he might have contracted AIDS and needed medical help!

He had craving for spicy food, was ambithermal and had dreams of sex.

His hobbies were playing cricket and watching TV. When asked what programs, he replied, But I dont watch M TV! (watching M TV meant intense sexual excitement).

He also had the habit of masturbation:

On examination he had a full erection with swollen, hard, painful penis - a condition of priapism.

This was a clear case of Flourine. Also the physical characteristics matched - a beaming smile with a perfect set of teeth (which were most likely to get decayed later) and a patch of grey hair (would it turn to patchy baldness in future?)

If we open Kents repertory, we see Flourine in the rubrics:

  1. Mind : Lasciviousness : 61
  2. Genitalia : Erections: troublesome: P694

excessive: P695
painful: P695
strong: P696

He was given Flouric-acid 1M one dose and advised to test for VDRL and ELISA test for Aids.

Burnett says; "I am very strongly of the opinion that evil habits in the young are of physical origin and nature, and that they can be cured by medicines, if physician will take the trouble". (Pg 28 - Best of Burnett) With this aim the medicine was given but the patient did not turn up for follow up due to the reasons best known to him.

The Aim of giving this case is:

  1. It gives us the correct picture of Flourine.
  2. It gives the idea of the society we live in:- where increasing number of mothers are working out side in nuclear families - leaving their young ones to the care of maids.
  3. Importance of introducing sex education in schools.
  4. Encroachment of our culture in the name of globalization with increasing number of uncensored programs on TV, the Pubs and the glitter by which the young minds can be easily swayed bringing about their degeneration and destruction.

This history should be an eye-opener.

P S: Other medicines that came up for differentiation were: Medorrhinum, Conium, Bufo and Platina - in females.

Readers are also requested to go thro ICR symposium volume 10 on Halogens by Dr. Sarla Sonawala to understand the Flourine personality perfectly.