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Case Study

 Two Cases of Malaria

Mohan Gune.
` Nux-v / Chin-s / Ars.


Mr. Pandurang Kamat, 74 yrs. of age, came with fever and chills since 11th Feb. 1992. He had -

  1. Fever with chills since one day. No specific time modality.
  2. Profound weakness.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. Thirst for little quantity of water. His urine report was normal and urinary tract infection was ruled out.

He was prescribed China-sulph 200 OD and Ars-alb 200 QId for 10 days.

Since the fever continued, on 22nd Feb. 1992 he was admitted to hospital.

On admission he had profound weakness, nausea (3+) with gases in the abdomen and constipation.

On Examination - B.P. 140/70 mm Hg, Pulse - 72/min, Tongue coated in the middle with red margins.

The Blood Smear for Malarial parasite was positive.

He was prescribed Ars-alb, Chino-sulph in 0/ XI potency without relief. Hyoscyamus 1M was prescribed on the basis of his deliriousness also without result. On the 6th day of admission, an allopathic physician was called who prescribed him allopathic drugs which also did not relieve his complaints.

On 3rd March the case was retaken and the following ponts were obtained.


  1. Fever in General - Concomitant / mind / anxiety (Bn)
  2. Fever in General - Concomitant / mind / delirium / silent (Bn)
  3. Fever in General - Concomitant / sighing and groaning (Bn)
  4. Fever in General - Concomitant / mouth / tongue / coated (Bn)
  5. Fever in General - Concomitant / mouth / tongue / dry (Bn)
  6. Fever in General - Concomitant / taste / bitter (Bn)
  7. Fever in General - Concomitant / stool/ constipated (Bn)
  8. Fever in General - Concomitant / stool / ineffectual (Bn)
  9. Fever in General - Concomitant / back / lumbar region, pain in (Bn)
  10. Blood - Concomitant / thirst / during both chill and heat (Bn)
  11. Fever - pathological Types- / intermittent and periodicity in general (Bn).

On repertorisation the remedies which with more marks came out were Nux vom (29/9) Rhus-tox (23/9) Bry (22/9) and Ars alb (26/8).


Nux-vomica was thought of at this phase and was prescribed in 0/xi potency one hourly. The patient was afebrile within three hours and had no fever for three days. He was discharged on 6th March 1993. Since then there has been no relapse (see Chart I).


Miss MSH, 9 years of age had 103 degree F fever and chill on 8th Feb 1994. She had a similar complaint 6 months ago at Bombay. This was diagnosed as malaria. Her blood smear, taken on 8th Feb. 1994 was positive for P-vivax.

Chill with thirst and a palpable spleen was noted.


She was given China-Sulph 200 TDS and ARs-alb 0/VI hourly.

The temperature continued for 3 hour sand at 6 p.m. it dropped to normal. The same was repeated for 3 more ays and there was no fever. She was discharged on 10th Feb. 1994 with no relapse to date. (See Chart II).

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