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Case Study

Suppression of Malaria and Its Consequences
Kasivishwanathan T K. 
` Apis / Syc-c / Prot / Crot-h / Elaps.

Malaria is a protozon infection characterized by paroxysms of chills, fever and sweating and by anaemia, splenomegaly and a chronic relapsing course" - (Merck Manual - 1987 pg. 205).

Allopathy adopts a suppressive therapy in the treatment of Malaria. The usual treatment is with Chloroquine. However Malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum is many a times found to be resistant to Chloroquine. In such cases the treatment is through other drugs like quinine, pyrimethamine and sulfonamide. However these drugs have many side effects. For example, primaquinine may cause intravascular haemolysis in patients with G6PD deficiency, abdominal cramps and methaemoglobinuria. It has to be given with caution in pregnant ladies as it crosses the trans-placental barrier and causes toxic effects on the foetus.

Homoeopaths do not suppress the chill in malarial infections but treat such cases with well chosen homoeopathic remedies based on Similia Similibus Curentur.

It has been observed in cases of Tic Douloureux and supra-orbital neuralgias that there was a definite history of Malaria treated with allopathic medicines.

On taking homoeopathic treatment, these patients developed symptoms of Malaria. After giving the similimum the patients regained normal health.

Dr. Chebath Daniel, a leading homoeopath from France had occasions to treat in Algeria, several cases in which suppressed Malaria erupted in malignant forms later on with meningo-encephalitis with or without delirum. They often ended in convulsive crisis, anuria, coma and death within a few days or even in a matter of hours.

After witnessing so many Malarial patients succumbing to death due to complications arising from the suppression, he made certain therapeutic guidelines for the treatment of Malaria.

  1. When a severe attack which may be fatal, occurs, there may not be enough time to wait for a single remedy to do the job.
  2. He reports of having met with good results with drugs like Gelsemium, apis and Bryonia.
  3. The serpent venoms like Crotalus casevella, Crotalus-horridus, Lachesis, Naja, Cenchris and Elaps act very well where bleeding, haemolysis, hypertension, and fear of death predominate.
  4. He also found that serious manifestations of bilious haemoglobinuria improved rapidly with serpent venoms and the concurrent use of Bowel nosodes like Morgan-pure, Morgan gaertner, Proteus and Sycotic-co. The last mentioned drug Sycotic-co, not only acted in cases complicated with anuria or hypertension but also meningitic syndromes where there was not enough time to carry out culture investigations.
  5. He found by experience that use of Bowel nosodes in high dilutions repeated 2-4 times a day simultaneously in emergency situation cleared the cases.

Some of the severe cases of malignant Malaria treated by him are extracted below:


A 32 year old male, evacuated from Algeria was in a serious condition. He was in a coma and would utter a few unintelligible phrases when questioned. He used to throw away the blankets and body covers.

On examination the body temperature was high at 41.8 degree C. He had not passed urine in the last 24 hours with an enlarged liver.


Blood Smear - showed Plasmodium-falciparum
Blood urea was 2.40 gms.
RBC - 2200000 WBC - 8500 with Polymorphs - 65.

It was a case of pernicious Malaria involving the urinary and cerebral systems.


He was given Hyoscyamus 30 and Sycotic-co 10M simultaneously.

The urine output increased in a few hours but the semiconscious state persisted. Temperature was 40.7 degree C. Later he developed haematemesis the cause of which could not be ascertained. Crotalus horridus 30 and 10M with Proteus CM. Sycotic-co CM and Gaertner CM were given. He regained consciousness in two days. The blood urea level was 0.45 gms. He had an uneventful convalescence.


A 3 year old boy was in a coma. He had convulsions preceded with a strident cry resembling that of an animal. The blood smear confirmed Plasmodium falciparum. Blood urea was 0.70 gms. Urine showed albumin - 0.80 gm.


Apis 10M (due to the cry) Proteus CM, Sycotic-co CM, Gaertner CM.

The comatose and convulsive crisis ceased in 2 days and albuminuria was absent after a week.


A 38 year old male had an attack of pernicious Malaria which was treated with injectable Quinine. A year later he had a sudden attack of cephalgia, jaundice, severe lumbago, shivering and anguished sensation of imminent death.

The spleen and liver were enlarged.

Blood tests revealed anaemia, Serum bilirubin - 90 mgs.


Elaps 30 to 10M for haemolytic anaemia and also for the sensation of death. Morgan-pure CM, Morgan-gaertner CM for the serious hepatic attack, Sycotic-co CM and Proteus CM for general improvement were prescribed.

The temperature came back to normal progressively in 8 days. The blood count and Serum bilirubin were normal in 15 days.


  1. Merck Manual, 15th edition Page 205, 208.
  2. Homoeopathic treatment of certain severe forms of Malaria - Dr. Chebath Daniel - Homoeopathic Heritage Nov. 1980.
  3. Clinical cases of Malignant Malaria Chebath Daniel - Homoeopathic Heritage - July 1981
  4. How and Why I was persuaded to administer the intestinal nosodes in high dilutions in meningo and meningo-encephalitic syndromes by Chebath Daniel - Homoeopathic Heritage - March 1982.
  5. Suppressed Malarial fever - John Hall in Homoeopathic Heritage 1980.
  6. Some notes on Malaria by Dr. Hary Baker in Hahnemannian Gleanings - May 1983.

Dont find faults - Find a remedy

- Henry Ford.

Compiled by:

Wadala, Bombay - 31.
(mainly from writings of Chebath Daniel).