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Case Study

Asthmatic Bronchitis with Primary Complex in Paediatric Practice.
Vishpala Parthasarathy.
Cases / Therapeutics.
` Rumx

A Discussion with Two Cases

EDITORS NOTE - Asthma issue was a Bumper issue and many articles were received late. Some of these are being included in Neurosis issue in "Other Cases" Section for the benefit of the readers.

Homoeopaths in their practice get many paediatric patients with primary Complex. Other diseases involving the lungs like Asthmatic Bronchitis, Capillary Bronchitis, Chronic Bronchitis with tonsillitis are some of the usual complications which these cases present with.

The treatment of these cases involves tackling the miasmatic block by administering the suitable anti-tubercular nosode or drug and thereafter treat the Asthma, Asthmatic Bronchitis, or Capillary Bronchitis, with the indicated drugs.

The following are some of the few drugs which have been clinically verified to be most effective in giving marvelous cures in these conditions.

Only certain noteworthy remarks from our great masters and also a short picture of the respiratory symptoms are given below for your reference:.


"Acts predominantly on the apices of the lungs and it corresponds most closely to the Bronchitis of Influenza which simulates tuberculosis, having cured several hopeless-looking cases" (Clarke).

Tuberculin from birds - acts on the apices of the lungs; has proved an excellent remedy in influenzal bronchitis; symptoms similar to tuberculosis; relieves the debility, diminishes the cough improves the appetite, and braces up the whole organism; acute broncho-pulmonary diseases of children". (Boericke)

(In all cases, initially Aviaire 1000. 1 Dose is given to remove the miasmatic block.)


The nosode containing the virus of whooping cough. (Subsequent to Aviaire, few days thereafter, one dose of Pertussin 1000. given, which is seen to be highly beneficial in all the cases.)


"Unequal breathing. Suffocative shortness of breath, before cough or alternating with cough. Loose, coarse, rattling cough; chest seems full, yet less and less is raised. Capillary Bronchitis; Pleuro-pneumonia; Emphysema". (Phatak).


Asthma. Paroxysms of retching, incessant or suffocative cough; with every breath. Loose, rattle in chest, without expectoration. Broncho-pneumonia; "Violent degree of dyspnoea with wheezing of great precordial weight and anxiety". (Tyler)


Sycotic Asthma. Children Asthma. Loose, but violent cough; must hold chest or sides. "Looseness of bowels after each attack of asthma has been repeatedly verified. Asthmatic attacks come on about 4 to 5 A.M. with cough and raising of glairy slimy mucus which can be drawn into long strings". (Dr. Kirpal Sing Bakshi).


"Drosera is one of the drugs for Asthma of consumptives. It is indicated in the spasmodic cough of consumption". (Farrington)

"Asthma with T B History - or family history; or after whooping cough, calls for Drosera". (Tyler).

"Prolonged, periodical fits of rapid, incessant, deep barking or choking cough, as if from abdomen taking away the breath". (Boger)


Indicated in true tuberculosis of the lungs". (Farrington)

"Cardiac dyspnoea, and the most violent forms of asthma. Dryness of air passages; whistling, wheezing, seldom rattling. As if breathing through a sponge". (Tyler).


Oppressive breathing; suffocative; worse cough; hard, dry, tight cough. Cough, worse laughing, talking, reading aloud, lying on left side. Pneumonia of left lower lung. Asthma after cough. (Phatak).

When scrofulous, rickety, under-nourished children come in with bronchial problems, amongst others, the following drugs need particular consideration.


Indicated in Scrofula. Consumptiveness (Tub). Air hunger. Short of breath. Hacking cough. Yellow green foul expectoration. Asthma of phthisical or psoric persons. Tubercular pleurisy. (Boger).


Takes cold easily; in chest, Malnutrition. Faulty bony development. Scrofula. Rickets. (Boger).

Marked feature of the remedy is to attack the glands, especially the lymphatic glands. Calc is useful in tubercular formations. (Kent).


Mal-assimilation. Scrofula. Rickets. Tonsils large; mycosis. Adenoids. Cough better by lying. Cavernous phthisis; with night sweats. (Boger).


Undressing - the PQRS (Rubric - Itching worse while undressing - gives the key).

Patient: Male, aged 26 years, working as a junior officer.

Suffering from Asthmatic Bronchitis and dry eczematous eruption at both the ankles for last 4 years. When the skin eruption subsides, Asthma gives him more trouble.

Asthmatic attacks were severe during the Monsoon, Winter and every change in the seasons.

Bouts of coughing with expectoration; choking of breath causing severe dyspnoea, on retiring. Suffocative attacks almost every morning when he gets up and comes out of the room.

>Tub 1000. 2 Doses were given at the outset (12 hours apart) to clear the miasmatic block, if any, and after a week - Hepar-s, 200-2 Doses per day for 3 days.

Under Hepar-s there was relief for the Asthma and some improvement noticed for the eruptions at the ankles. When the improvement became more or less static. Hepar-s 1000. 2 Doses given (12 hours apart).

No further appreciable improvement noticed either in Asthmatic attacks or the skin eruptions.

Meantime, a noteworthy incident took place which rather gave a clue for the curative remedy.

Once, the patient coming directly from office, was sitting in the drawing room. Before entering the consulting room he removed the shoes and socks.

As soon as the socks were removed, the itching at the site of eruptions, at the ankles, was so miserably intense, and intolerable, that the patient was dancing in misery.

On seeing this, looking for the rubric in the Repertory (Kent) it was seen :-

·         Skin itching worse undressing (K 1329)

·         Dros - 2 marks Natrum-s - 2 marks

·         Rumex - 3 marks Tub - 2 marks

·         Rumex 200, daily 2 doses for 3 days and daily 1 dose for 4 days was prescribed.

Within days, remarkable improvement set in. The eruptions at the ankles healed and the patient was relieved of the Asthmatic attacks as well, within a period of about 2 weeks.

There was occasion to repeat the drug once, (given Rumex 1000, 2 doses) after about 8 months, when the eruptions at the ankles showed signs of recurrence. On repetition of the drug, the lesions healed promptly.

The patient is keeping well even now after about a year.


·         Worse change of weather - (KR 1347) - Hep (1), Rumex (2), Tub (3).

·         Skin eruptions - (KR 1308) - Rumex (2), Hep (1).

·         Asthma alternating with eruptions - Hep (Phatak Rep Pg. 20).

·         Skin itching worse while undressing (K 1329) Rum (3).

(Aggravation undressing being given a wider interpretation; Aggr sudden change of temperature (Atmosphere) affecting the constitution).


Patient was a 25 year old girl working as a Secretary in a multinational company.

Reported to be suffering from chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis, since she came to Bombay and took up a job about 5 years back; for which she had tried Allopathic as well as Homoeopathic treatment for reasonable period without benefit.

She belonged to Goa and right from childhood she used to have chronic cold which used to aggravate with every change of season.

The air-condition atmosphere was not suited to her bronchial trouble and she used to suffer most due to constant bouts of cough and perforce, she had to be on some suppressive cough syrup and tablets regularly.

Other than this Asthmatic Bronchitis, she had no other trouble what-so-ever.

Taking into account that "every breath of cold air causes tickling throat-pit resulting in continuous cough" (Boger), and the recent experience with the drug "Rumex" (cited in CASE - 1 above) she was given.

Rumex 200 - 2 doses daily for 3 days and 1 dose per day for another 4 days.

She was relieved of Asthmatic Bronchitis within 3 days and remained free of the trouble thereafter. But she needed repetition of the drug on various occasions; she could, however, give up all Allopathic medication, and she is free from the Asthmatic Bronchitis even now. The air-conditioned atmosphere in the office is not giving that much trouble.