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Case Study

Lycopodium In Warts.
Mohan Gune.

Lycopodium is one of the wonderful deep acting polychrest remedies in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. It has proved its efficacy even when the drug is not listed in high grade in Kents repertory for warts. The prescription of Lycopodium was done on the basis of the generality which proved to be perfect similimum and gave results in just few days. Two cases of warts treated with Lycopodium are discussed below.

Case 1:

Mr. B.M., 17 years of age, came with complaints of vital warts since 2 months, diagnosed as Molluscum V by a dermatologist.

Warts especially on upper part of body. Started on right side of neck and spread to shoulders, chest, back, left shoulder, head, below axilla.

The warts were small, multiple, moist, at times itching leading to scratching, at times bleeding and watery discharge. Better by cold applications.

Personal History:

Craving-sweets and spicy food.
Aversion-Sour and fish
Perspiration-Offensive, especially after exertion
Sleep-Disturbed since one month. Grinding of teeth in sleep.
Dreams- of relatives at times.
Mental state- Fear of snakes. Likes to remain alone.

Past History / Family History

Tonsillitis six months ago.
No history of any major illness in family.


The following were the rubrics taken-

  1. Warts
  2. Warts, moist
  3. Side right, then left
  4. Desires sweets
  5. Company aversion to

Thuja 30 was already given to him for about a month by another homoeopath.

Lycopodium 200 was prescribed. Within 8 days of treatment with Lycopodium, most of the warts had vanished. The patient was further treated for 4 weeks. He has absolutely no complaints now.

Case 2:

Mrs. AGS, 16 years of age came with warts on neck and face since six months. Various drugs in different potencies like Causticum, Nit-ac, Dulcamara and Thujawere tried  without result.

The warts by now spread to the nape of the neck, ascending to the face. They spread from the right side of the face to the left side of the face. A total of 15 warts were on the right side and about 10 on the left side.

On examination the warts were found to be small, round, white and nonpedunculated.

Personal History:

Appetite- Normal
Thirst- Thirstless
Aversion- Green leafy vegetables.
Craving- Sweet and sour
Bowels and Bladder- Regular habits
Perspiration- Normal
Sleep- Sound
Hair- Dandruff
Menstrual history- Menarche at 14. Menses regular, 28 days.
Flow- regular, offensive.

Mental State:

Has inferiority complex. Impaired hearing and speech. Weeps easily. Fears being alone. Anticipation + Memory weak, forgets easily.

Rubrics taken:

  1. Fear, apprehension, dreads being alone
  2. Forgetful
  3. Confidence want of self
  4. Ailments from anticipation, foreboding, presentiment
  5. Desires sweets
  6. Thirstless
  7. Side right and then left.
  8. Location- warts on chin and face Lycopodium 22/9; Kali-carb 13/7; Arg-nit 14/6

This girl also has impaired hearing with Retinitis pigmentosa as associated complaints.

She was given Lycopodium 200-1 QID on the basis of the repertorial analysis.

She was free from the warts after 20 days.

Conclusion: Both the above cases were prescribed Lycopodium on the basis of generalities although very little about warts is mentioned in the Materia Medica ofLycopodium in skin or generalities.