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Case Study

Now Here, Now Gone.
Sarosh Wadia.
` Carc / Calc-sil / Thuj / Sulph / Caust.

Warts are very common complaints for which the only treatment, in allopathy, is external application of strong medicines, surgery or cautery. When there are a large number of warts it may not be possible to cauterise them. Another interesting fact is that when a wart is cut, often three or four appear at the same site in due course. Homoeopathy offers a purely medical treatment with good results and mostly no recurrence.

Case 1:

An elderly bank clerk had about 200 warts on his face. He looked ugly as the warts were the focus of attention. His dermatologist had prescribed him Thuja 1000twice daily for  six months without any result. On taking the case Sulphur was found to be his constitutional medicine. So, Sulphur was given in increasing potencies without result. A detailed history was sought which revealed a history of Cancer in many members of his family. Carcinosin 200 three doses were given. A few days later there was some noticeable difference in the size of the warts. Carcinosin was raised to 1000 potency. In the next four days all the warts had disappeared completely and his face was absolutely clear.

Case 2:

Mr JCP, 40 year old male came with 30-35 warts on the face and neck which had appeared since the last six months. They were black in colour. Some large and some small. There were isolated warts on the other parts of the body also.

There was a past history of scabies, boils, blisters of feet, fungal infection of toes, occasional vaccinations and inoculations.

Family history father died early, cause not known.Stool, urine, appetite, thirst normal.

Hot patient. Perspiration profuse and foul smelling.

Obese patient 82 kgs.

He was a top executive and had gone to USA for treatment which was of no avail. Another homoeopath had also been consulted without result.

He had taken a lot of oral as well as local corticosteroids for his skin condition.


26.6.77- Cortisone 200 three doses were given.
17.7.77- SQ. Constitutionally he looked like a Calcarea-carb patient. Since a lot of medicines had already been given to him I thought of trying a new remedy. So,Calcarea-calcinata 30 in repeated doses was given.
15 days later the number of warts had reduced to half. Three doses of the same remedy in 200 potency was prescribed.
17/9/77 All warts disappeared.

I have tried this remedy in other cases with excellent results.

Case 3:

Master K, 12 years old came to me on 1st November 1950. He had 20-25 warts on his hands, sides of fingers and legs since 6 months. Most of the warts were fairly large, hard and jagged and two or three were soft. He was an Anglo-Indian and a staunch believer of modern medicine. His mother consulted an allopathic Govt Doctor who applied a solution of Silver-nitrate over the warts which resulted in burns. Unfortunately the warts remained as they were. When they consulted me I asked his mother to wash the burnt portion with soap and warm water. Apply nothing externally and watch the wonderful effects of homoeopathic treatment.

A detailed history was taken. The boy had been studying in a boarding school in Deolali where he was inoculated every year with smallpox vaccine and at times with Typhoid, Cholera and BCG. Presumably the warts were due to these vaccinations.

Treatment- Thuja 1000 was given and he was kept under observation for a few days. There was no improvement for a fortnight. One evening he told me that whenever he got injured on his legs while playings the warts would bleed. This gave me a much wanted clue. Causticum 30 twice a day. In eight days the magic of the minimum dose was seen and the warts had gone.

Case 4:

Mrs. NS 45 years old female came with warts resembling corns on the hands, fingers and toes. There was a corn on the right thumb which was very painful. The skin of her soles and heels was cracked.

She also gave a history of Cervical Spondylitis for which she had to wear a collar all the time.

Appetite, stool, urine, thirst was normal.
Sleep disturbed. Dreams of snakes from childhood.
Menses every 3-4 months.
P/H of skin eruptions.
F/H diabetes in parents.
She had been given Rhus-tox 200, Kalmia 3, Con 30, Lachnanthes 1M, Arnica 1M and Ant-crud 200 for various other ailments.


27/3/93- Sulphur 200 three doses followed with SL.
25/5/93- Feels better except callosities. Lac-can was selected for Warts on fingers (KR 1124) and Dreams of snakes (KR 1243)
30/6/93- All callosities disappeared. No dreams.

Case 5:

Baby Reshma 3 years of age was brought for warts on the face since one year which was increasing in size (Molluscum contagiosum)

H/o-frequent vaccinations.
F/H- Diabetes, Gonorrhoea and warts in father.


21/6/74- Thuja 10M three doses.
28/6/74- No change. Thuja 50M one dose.
5/7/74- NO change. Thuja CM one dose.
15/7/74- Some warts disappeared. However new warts like condylomata appeared in anus, axilla and vagina.
13/9/74- Thuja CM one dose followed with Silica 30.

The eruptions increased in size and burst after giving Silicea in repeated doses (from within outwards). There also was a Sycotic history in father.

The child was quite well as seen by the photographs.

Case 6:

Mr. B. 36 years old male patient suffered from callosities which were hard like a rock on the tips of his fingers and near the nails for the past several years. He had cut them, pulled them and even tried burning them without result.

She was a hot patient. Worse in sun. Her appetite was normal but she had strong craving for sugar. The stool, urine and perspiration was normal.

She had a past history of vaccination, suppressed ringworm, boils and a wart on the forehead.

Family history of cancer in mother.

He wanted the callosities of the hand to go as it gave him a bad appearance whenever he shook his hands with people. He said that people were very critical of the same.


12/12/69- Thuja 200 three doses were given.
19/12/69- Ant-crud 200 and 1000 one dose each.

A week later there was no change. Sulphur in increasing potencies was given without results. A month later Carcinosin 200 three doses were given as an intercurrent remedy as there was a family history of cancer. This also failed to cure.

On 22/3/70 Causticum 200 single dose was given followed by 1M and then 10M. On 16/4/70 when he visited me to my surprise Causticum had worked like a charm. The callosities had disappeared completely. The fingers and the nails looked absolutely normal. They have not recurred again.

Causticum was given for the following rubrics:

Warts fingers and tips (KR 1224) where Causticum is given in capitals.

Case 7:

Mr. CU, 45 years of age, came with chronic dysentery. On examination his liver was enlarged.

Past history- Hypertension, Sugar in urine, Mumps, Herpes on left side of chest which had been suppressed leaving a big patch.
Family history- diabetes in father and bone TB in mother.

Personal history- Hot patient. Very irritable due to lot of tensions as he is in the Film industry.

Before he approached me he had two warts on the face which had been cauterised and one on the back treated with application of lime.

His general condition improved greatly with Nux-v 200, 1M and 10M.

Later, Sulphur 200 1M, 10M was given for his suppressed skin disease. After receiving Sulphur he started getting warts on the face. This probably was past suppression which kept on increasing till they were 43 in number. Thuja and Bacillinum were prescribed without result on the warts. Radiasthesis test indicated, Sulphur in MM and 10M. These were radionic potencies and were given over a period of six weeks. The warts gradually decreased in size. Three of the warts still persisted. Tuberculinum 1M three doses were given and all the warts disappeared within a week.