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Case Study

The Rosary.
Vishpala Parthasarathy.
Calc-p / Lach.


A child of 3 years, came with his Pilot father and Air-hostess mother. His face had Molluscum at the root of the nose, left temple, forehead and neck which looked like a beaded necklace!

Associated Complaints:

  1. Colds from ice-cream
  2. Recurrent Colics and
  3. Enuresis.

Craving- Chicken, Sweets (3+)
Thermal- Hot patient.
Mentals- Fastidious (3+). Fear of dark. When angry he throws things; Stubborn; Affectionate. The little 3-year old, answered the questions himself. He also disclosed that he did not like being teased by peers.


  1. Obstinate
  2. Anger violent
  3. Fastidious
  4. Fear of dark, thunder
  5. Observant
  6. Craving, sweets
  7. Craving, chicken
  8. Hot
  9. Enuresis
  10. Child embarrassed

Treatment and Follow-up:

The treatment started with Calcarea-phos 200 which was repeated frequently without results. He finally responded to Tuberculinum-bov 50M three doses on 12/6/93. The Molluscum has not appeared since then.


Reading Dr. Parinaz's case "A Bottle of Warts" and the problem in counting them, reminded me of a case I had 9 years ago.

A lady came to me in Nov 1985 with her face covered fully with more than 100 warts. Imagine counting the warts. But my assistant was the persistent sort and kept counting it week after week till it came to zero.

Her warts went in weeks, but this lady has since then remained a weekly visitor, to cope with her numerous problems Cirrhosis (brought on by NOT a drop of alcohol), Allergic dermatitis. Gall stones, Spondylitis, Hyperthyroidism, Obesity, Migraine the list is endless.

Homoeopathy has kept her patched up because with a Schizophrenic husband and an estranged son, full cure seems a high impossibility.

For now, we will only discuss her warts. The warts were tiny, umbilicated with itching and bleeding; worse at night and better by cold. She had visited two dermatologists and seen three homoeopaths since February 1985. By Sept she was frantic as after 9 months, "the baby was not yet out".!

Her other characteristics were.

  1. Ecchymosis
  2. Profuse perspiration
  3. Craving Sweets.
  4. Menopausal complaints depression, palpitations, restlessness.


Loquacious while narrating her history she was so involved that at each symptom we had to stop her to complete the symptom.

Even today, only if I have a light OPD, do I ask her the details, else I ask only leading questions or questions which can be answered in a yes or no.

Selection of Remedy: A clear Lachesis.

Treatment and Follow-up:

Initially she had a cold so given Pulsatilla 30 followed by Tub-b 1MM one dose.
6/11- Left sided headache at reading Lachesis 30, three doses
29/11- Warts breaking up fast. SL continued
31/12- Better, Molluscum.
6/1- Molluscum 57 in number. Coryza.
Rhus-tox 200 for the coryza.
22/1- Molluscum 23 in number. Each one burst with pain Tuberculinum-b 10M one dose. 29/1- Molluscum 12 in number.
Lachesis 30 three doses.
5/2- No warts or Molluscum.

Till date there has been no recurrence of the warts, though other problems continue.