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Case Study

Learning From Experience.
Rashmi Nagar.

In the following cases, it is very difficult to give reasons and rubrics for selection of the medicine for warts, but one has learnt about a rare remedy.

In my student days, in the medical ward of Cooper Hospital, Bombay, a patient had a very big wart on his palm bigger than the size of a peanut. One of our fellow students took the permission of the attending physicians to treat the patient with Homoeopathy. The medicine was given and within a week the wart disappeared completely. The drug was Rananculus-bulbosus. He said that he had learnt about this remedy from the late Dr. M.L. Dhawale.

After this experience I have come across three other cases of warts on palms and fingers of the hands all of which have disappeared with Rananculus-bulbosus 200 given for three to four days. In all the cases, wart was the presenting symptom of the patient. In one of the cases the warts on the fingers of both the hands disappeared in four days and she had no complaints for six months after which she developed two similar warts on both the knees which responded to the same medicine. In all these cases the prescription was based on my previous experience.

The common features in all the cases were:-


  1. Location palm or fingers of right or left hand.
  2. Fairly big about peanut size.
  3. Pedunculated and horny. It can be described as a small cauliflower or cactus like ugly growth.
  4. In all cases the chest symptoms of Ranunculus bulbosus could be seen the chest cold was worse from open air.

Ranunculus-bulbosus is not an often used medicine. In Boerickes Materia Medica, under skin we find hard excrescences, itching in palms. Corns sensitive, horny skin (545).

In Kents repertory we see Rananculus-bulbosus mentioned in skin excrescences, horny. We need to know more about this drug from the experiences of our other fellow homoeopaths.