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Case Study

Warts: Cases with Brief Philosophical Background
Dr G D Jaiswal.

Warts are small circumscribed, epidermal papillary elevations of skin. Various forms of warts are described as per their shapes and their predominant characteristics. According to Homoeopathy, they are of Sycotic miasm. The venereal disease-Gonorrhoea when suppressed alters the susceptibility of a human being. Abnormally altered susceptibility brings about temperamental and physical changes in the body. Different varieties of clinical states (changes) were observed by Dr Hahnemann in patients having a history of suppression of Gonorrhoea. All his observations were confirmed by his contemporaries and other unprejudiced homoeopaths. Jealousy, destructiveness, suspicion, revengefulness, poverty of constructive thoughts, etc are the main mental attributes of the Sycotic miasm. A disorganized Sycotic mind suffers from disorganized clinical states of body. Warts are one of the most common disfiguring over growths from which one can suffer. In fact, it is nature's attempt to exteriorize the Sycotic influence in order to protect vital organs of the body. Hence, it becomes obligatory on the part of the physician to assist nature in her endeavour's to eliminate the Sycotic influence out of the body. Various methods like ligation, cauterization and surgical removal of warts are highly suppressive. Warts should be treated with miasmatic and constitutional drugs. Homoeopathy is the scientific discipline based on the laws of nature. A well selected homoeopathic drug can even remove the warts of many years of standing.

Case 1:

A 19 year old Muslim patient, a tailor by occupation, came with multiple warts on the face. His important symptoms were - a) Likes sweets and non-veg food
b) Stiffness of neck, better by hot fomentation.
c) Tendency to colds.
d) Frequent urination from cold drinks
There was a family history of Gout in father, aggravated in rainy season. He was given Causticum and Thuja in different potencies without any positive results. He was re-interviewed to re- constitute the totality. The past history of the patient gave me an important clue. Years ago the patient used to suffer from diarrhoea in monsoon. Dulcamara was selected and he was given four doses of 200 potency to be taken on the first two days followed by placebo for 5 days. After a week when he came back, there was a 50% reduction in the size of the warts. He was given placebo for one more week, after which all the warts cleared.

Case 2:

A few years ago I had a case of Psoriasis. The constitutional drug was Calcarea-carb. The drug was given in 1M potency for 2 days followed by placebo. The next week he came with a surprising development. His warts on the chest disappeared but he had no improvement in the patches of psoriasis. Before prescribing him in the constitutional drug I had no information regarding the warts on his chest. Delighted the patient asked "Doctor I am happy with the treatment you gave me it cured me of warts. But what about the problem of Psoriasis?" Before answering this question I asked him - "What came first- Psoriasis or warts?" The answer was-"Psoriasis has been there since a long time, but the warts have developed in recent years." Convinced that Calc-carb was working well as per Hering's Law of Cure, I explained to my patients the way things would go and thus assured him about the very hopeful prognosis. In due course of time there was a considerable improvement in psoriasis to the extent of 90% without further repetition of the constitutional drug.