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Case Study

Retro Calcaneal Bursitis
Dr S K Mamagin

Mr M L Verma, 57 yrs. First consultation 30/7/1985
For the past six months, the patient was suffering from pain and swelling behind his left heel diagnosed as Retro Calcaneal Bursitis. X-ray examination revealed conspicuous growth of the Calcaneal bone. He was prescribed pain killers, which caused stomach disorder and loose stools, but did not ameliorate the pain! He consulted the Head of the orthopedic department who advised surgery as the only alternative.

Another prominent orthopedic surgeon of Dehra Dun, advised injecting some medicine in the calcaneum. The effect may last 1 and 1/2 years after that the injection would need to be repeated. The effect of 2nd injection may last for lesser period and so on till ultimately after three years, surgery would have to be resorted. Naturally the patient was reluctant to undergo such treatment. So he asked me to give some homoepathic treatment for permanent cure.

My records show that I prescribed him Cyclamen 30 in the beginning then in 200thand later in 1M potencies. He was much improved within two months.
Yet, some pain persisted, worse on walking, Mercurius 1M further improved this.

Swelling and pain was almost gone. But during the winter i.e. during November-December he started feeling some pain in the same calcaneum, Now Rhus-tox 30 (Indication: Winter) was prescribed which removed the residual pain completely. Since then he has never felt any recurrence of the pain or swelling to this day even after 18 years.

(The patient has himself reminded me recently to write about his case. Dr Mamgain)
(Editor: It would be helpful if indication for each remedy was given. I could not locate indication for cyclamen in Repertory of the HMM)