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Case Study

Two cases of Mysterious Vein Disease
Dr Mirza Anwar Baig
'Varionum / Silica

Case 1: "Ehlers Danlos Syndrome"
Master SS, 19 years old, was brought to Mafkhar Clinic on 14.9.01, for the treatment of pain and green spots on the legs. He was weak and restless because of pain. His Rt upper limb was paralyzed and dried like a stick and the claw had a subcutaneous swelling with purpuric patches. His father revealed he had a heart problem in infancy with the same kind of patches and had got cured, at the same clinic. Earlier he had also undergone vascular surgery following some trauma. Since then he developed heart pain along with the patches.

The case was taken by Dr Shahida, my wife,whose notes read: "was under treatment here as a heart patient during early childhood. Six months back he was operated for Axilary artery, was given blood transfusion. Very weak, BP low, artery had ruptured suddenly.

Right hand totally paralyzed, claw like. Goes for physiotherapy. Feels pain all over nerves. Lt Hand also neuralgic as if pain comes from heart. Since he was treated for the heart here and was better, so has come again. Pains are crushing and crawling type. Swelling on hands comes after exertion. Heart pains extending to Lt Hand: his own words. Every trauma becomes blue or green. Pain comes with green patches on hands.

Ailments started when he was traveling in an over-crowded train. The hand holding the railing tightly, got jerked and started paining. He had to bear pain silently. On reaching home, he was taken to the nearby hospital where he was operated and then immediately sent to a teaching institution, where a major surgery was performed. They diagnosed spontaneous rupture of the artery with ecchymotic tissue, Type IV. Histopathologically diagnosed "Ehlers Danlos Syndrome".

Dr Shahida’s prescription was Arnica 30, 4 doses followed by a dose of Ignatia200, then supplemented with Nosode I (Carcinosin in molecular dilutions). The criteria for prescription was, broods in silence, does not complain and grief of his wounded limb. Sadness and despair of recovery. Carcinosin added to antidote that possibility of getting carcinogenic affect following such type of high-grade trauma. This gave him relief. When he reported on 20.9.01, I also saw him. I added Acid-Phos 30, two doses, based on the follow-up; tendency to green spots with purpura haemorrhagica, and crushed wound.

He came on 25.9.01: Better. Placebo. Reported on 11.10.01: again clots, Rt side pain and also occipital headache. Seen by Dr Shahida, prescription Carbon-animalis30/2 doses. Later Arnica repeated. Condition stabilized, no pain, no patches, mental condition also improved. Further follow-up with Arnica & Nosode 1, then some clinical remedies, for constitutional ups and down, until 22.2.02. Now Natrum-mur 200, single dose as the deep acting remedy given. He wanted tonic to improve his strength. He also developed hopes that with Homoeopathy his hand would improve. Although his heart pains, head pains and hands also, patches were gone but he kept on coming with a hope may his hand would also started functioning!

I saw him again on 23.2.02, he was anxious and restless with depression and fright, that his hand would not be OK and his pains may come and has. This time I examined him thoroughly, the grade of emaciation: Deltoid ++, Triceps +++, Biceps ++++. Brachioradialis ++++, Carpiulnaris +++, Flexor digitorum +++, Thenar and hypothenar muscles ++++.

Analayze: wasting is not uniformly which means total nerve is not dead? I also gave a thought to his pathological condition. Was his present problem connected to trauma! Whether by traveling or while operating! I questioned myself? Boy seems to be a careful type, niether did he receive any trauma inside the train. What he said he was holding the rod tightly to get support which means suddenly he started getting pain, certainly not because of the trauma, may be because of excitement or exertion, possibly his veins got rupture due to this and possibly he showed courage to hear the pain silently otherwise and may fall! I also gave a thought to the nature of his disease.

Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is a mysterious disease, in which although the veins are fragile they also have much elasticity, even in finer venules, and which may give rise to a psuedo-purpura or green spots. This is a very mysterious condition, and is related to some genetic influence. Skin tissues also show this unusual kind of elasticity, so too the walls of the arteries. Suddenly I got the clue. Was the artery ruptured spontaneously or was that due to surgeon’s knife? That means his disease was genetically related, and not because of the trauma. I questioned to myself again, to treat him means to clean genetically! Is he a case of Virionum? Virionum also can act on genes. Virionum is a nosode, from HIV-I, which has been proved by me, I find this remedy very effective in mysterious conditions.

23.3.02, I gave him Virionum 30/1 dose http://www.njhonline.com/images/rtarrow.gif Better. Virionum 30/one dose was repeated on 17.5.02. There after he developed swelling on his Rt. knee.

are also mysterious people. You cannot expect any steady behaviour. Committed but cunning , they never have full faith in anyone.

My criteria for prescribing him Virionum was: Anxiety marked and anticipated relapse with fear very marked. Timidness, with changeable moods (Puls). Broods in silence (Ignatia). Becomes irritable immediately (Natrum-mur) weary of life and depression (Aur). But cunning like Sepia. Dwells on unpleasant events, does not go out. Worried with trembling with fear, as if would die in the crowd. Mania for investigating and consulting other deaths.

23.3.02: Virionum 30/one dose. Reported next month 1.4.02: Better: placebo. Virionum 30/one dose repeated again, (relapse of some old symptoms), on 17.5.02. He reported on 7.6.02, with a swelling right knee, but his Rt limb started sensation of life. Placebo again. Rt knee persists, placebo again. More swelling but more relief on hand. He started moving them. Also applied iodex on his knee. He said he cannot tolerate knee pain. Signs of anxiety and relapsed again. Virionum 200/single dose, no relief. Medorrhinum 200/one dose as intercurrent.

Case 2:
The second case was of 8-year old boy who came with a mysterious cavernous hemangioma of Rt. lower limb. The veins were very anguished at the gluteal region, also on thigh. His penis was hyperdropic & in state of semi-erection. On its glands some Kaposi’s Sarcoma like soft tissue growth was visible. The boy was seen by the surgical unit of a teaching hospital, which diagnosed enhancing venous cavernous inside the gluteal & cavernous region. They found the child inoperable -said nothing can be done. Ironically the patient was told (since his penis was eructed) that there is no such disease ever recorded in the medical books. The day they will come to know, they will call him for the treatment.

This case was also first seen by my daughter, Dr Rozina Zaheer, who noted the child lost his father in a truck accident while he was inside the womb. His father was a truck driver. This young doctor found grief as the sole cause for the genetically mysterious disease. Prescribed Ignatia 200, followed by 1Nosode I.

The case responded well. The intercurrent was Thuja and constitutionally Siliceawas the later prescription. The case kept on improving. His anguished veins & cavernous hemangioma started showing remarkable regression. After 4 or 5 years, when he was 12-13 years, I found the child to have a recessive attitude. He did not want to study further, did not want to work because of lack in confidence. During 2,3 counseling, we found this grown up boy, was of negative attitude with marked anxiety towards his problems & anticipating phobia. Finally Virionum in 30 dilution brought this boy out from pessimism. Now the boy is showing all kinds of activities in every respect and also in pathological conditions. Although veins are still nguished but they are not troubling him. The growing Kaposi’s Sarcoma lesion disappeared.

 Refer Homo-Immunization, (author Dr Mirza Anwer Baig), in which this case is mentioned along the pictures & illustration. Available with NJH Book Club.