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Case Study

Rarely Used
Dr Kamal Kansal.
` Elaps / Helo / Arund

No remedy in homoeopathy can be called Rare. Rare are the opportunities to use them.

Case 1
In 1984 B. Singh, aged 36 years and a school teacher, presented with right-sided hemiplegia owing to cerebral infarction. Routine, as well as constitutional medicines were given to him off and on without improvement.

During rainy season, I was called to see him at home. Not finding anything abnormal, I asked his wife what the problem was. His wife complained that he had not resumed teaching at school. Before she could finish, he shouted violently: "I am not afraid of her, I am afraid of this rain and she does not understand this" I came back, looked into Kents repertory: Elaps-cor was the only remedy listed under the rubric Fear - rain of (Pg 47).

After confirming in Boerickes Materia-Medica, I gave Elaps-cor 200 daily one dose for 3 days. Improvement ensued. He joined the school. Muscle strength improved.

Case 2
My aunt, aged 60 years, had an attack of hemiplegia on 13th Dec, 1984 (complete left side, including face). She was put on usual allopathic drugs. She was an old diabetic and hypertensive. When she had the attack the very first feeling she had was as if her whole left side was in ice. Extensive feeling of coldness in left side; hands and feet as if frozen. It immediately reminded me of Heloderma which has the following prominent symptoms:

Arctic coldness of the parts involved.
Numbness: feels cold as in ice.
Craves constant heat and warmth.
Heloderma 200, three times daily was given; all allopathic medicines were stopped. There was quick and remarkable improvement.

Case 3
Wife of a top class beaurocrat with Govt. of India, suffering from allergic rhinitis for many years, was on routine treatment from various systems of medicine. The only symptoms that she could present was that there was violent itching in the nose, as if ants are creeping, with violent sneezing and running nose. Arundo 30 tds for a fortnight set her right. (Boerickes Materia Medica (p 88 "Annoying itching in the nostrils and roof of the mouth". Sneezing, itching of nostrils".) Conclusion. Close observation, accurate interpretation of symptoms and proper conversion to rubrics, can make a rare remedys use more often and lasting. Most important is the knowledge of disease symptoms, which allows a homoeopath to pin point the uncommon individualistic reaction to that particular disease situation giving rise to uncommon, peculiar and rare indications for selecting the remedy.