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Case Study

Scorpion Bite
Dr Tirumalacharyulu.
` Ars / Apis / Canth / Nat-m / Led / Caps

Case 1:
An 18-year-old girl came to me with a scorpion bite. She had a burning pain and a sensation as if Red burning coal was applied to the affected part. The pain was better by warm application. She had great prostration, vomiting and diarrhoea. Her face was full of anxiety and a fear of death.

Arsenic-alb 200 was prescribed. Unbelievably in 30 seconds the pain was completely gone. Half an hour later it was repeated. She was further given 3 more doses after one hour followed by another dose after 2 hours and lastly the next morning.

Case 2:
A boy aged 8 years, came with scorpion bite with a stinging pain and suffocative feeling in the chest. There was no thirst. The pain was aggravated by slightest touch and better by cold applications.

Apis-m 200 was prescribe and in a matter of 2 minutes, the pain vanished.

Case 3:
A man who was bitten by a centipede, came immediately to me. He said that he was sitting and there was a slight itching on the leg. He then had a severe nausea and felt like throwing up. This happened all of a sudden. He also had burning pain as if a red hot iron was kept on the part affected. I examined the site of the wound. While examining I rubbed the affected area with my palms and the patient said that the pain was better due to the warmth generated.

Arsenic-alb 200 was given immediately. In just a minute the patient was free from the pain. It was repeated after half an hour, one hour and two hours, to complete the cure, subsequently.

Case 4:
A case of Scorpion bite was treated by an allopath with Potassium permanganate and a little sugar which caused a burn and made the patient feel better. However the pain returned in 30 minutes and so he came to me. On examination there were a few blisters filled with water which was due to the Potassium Permanganate. I prescribed Cantharis-v 200 six doses for every 15 minutes. Then three doses every 30 minutes. In around 2 hours time the pain was gone and the affected part was healing.

Case 5:
A 24 years old laborer came to my clinic with a complaint of a scorpion bite on the foot. The pain was of such intensity that the slightest touch would make him cry. He did not allow examination of the affected site.
I asked about his food and taste habits. He immediately said that he always wanted a lot of salt.
Natrum-mur 200 was prescribed. In less than a minute the pain had completely gone.

Case 6:
A girl aged 16, came for treatment of scorpion bite after trying some medicines. The pain however continued. The pain was burning, screwing and drawing in nature. It started from the left knee and radiated up to the thigh.
Ledum-pal 200 stopped the radiation and the intensity of pain. It now localized the pain only to the site of the bite. If the pain is right sided I give Lycopodium and if Left sided then Sulphur. So, Sulphur 200 was given and the pain disappeared completely. Sulphur works especially if the spot is blue and cold and causes tetanic or choreic movements.

Case 7:
A 30 year old woman came with a burning pain. She described it as to be burning type as if red pepper was applied to the part. She was fair and obese with a sedentary life style.
Capsicum 200 4 doses at 5 minutes interval decreased the intensity of the pain immediately. A few more doses cured the complaint.

Use of Echinacea Mother Tincture: Some cases of scorpion bite respond well to Echinacea mother tincture 30 drops in two ounces of water, to be taken over 2 hours at 15 minutes intervals orally. If the patient has come straight to you without applying anything locally then Echinacea may be applied to give best results.

A Case of Bee stings:
One day, my uncle was taking a walk in his mango garden. Nearby a small boy was throwing stones at beehive on one of the trees. The bees immediately came in swarms and bit my uncle. He started running but the bees followed him. He ran and dipped himself into a lake nearby. He stayed in the water until the bees left. Later he came home exhausted and with the whole body swollen. He became semi-conscious. He had difficulty in breathing. He started vomiting bile and had a lot of loose motions. He was shivering terribly. The family members and friends panicked and said that he would soon die due to the poisoning.

My father Dr. S N C Sreenivasacharyulu immediately put a few pills of Apis-m 200 in the dying mans mouth. The patient then passed a great amount of urine. Apis-m200 was repeated for a few more times. The diarrhoea and vomiting stopped in a little while.

After around 20 minutes the patient became conscious but still weak. He felt uneasy and had burning pains. He could not get up from the lying down position. The medicine was repeated every 2 h ours. By the next morning the patient could talk and felt a lot better. The swelling all over was absent. The patient completely recovered in a couple of days.