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Case Study

My Experience With Spiders
Dr Khan L M.
` Tarent

Mr. H.A., aged 64 years came with flatulent dyspepsia and chronic constipation. He felt insecure and did not like to go out. He also had bronchial asthma which was worse in the rainy and winter seasons. It was worse from midnight to early morning and better by sitting and bending forwards.

After taking Nux-vom LM one dose he had a severe pain and tenderness in the muscles of the neck with a swelling of the face, cyanosis of lips and finger tip. There was redness of the right eye and painful prominent scalp veins. He had a desire to drink but was unable to for reasons best known to him.

I prescribed him Arnica 30 which decreased the pain and tenderness. There was however no change in the swelling. The complaint relapsed again. On inquiry the striking and most prominent feature of the case was that he constantly wanted to be rubbed mildly and it relieved the complaint.

Allens Keynotes gives a perfect sentence to this symptom i.e. "Termini of nerves become so irritated and sensitive that some kind of friction is necessary to obtain relief". The drug is Tarentula-hispanica.

Tarentula-hispanica 30 2 globules in a cup of water stirred well of which 1 tsp. to be taken six hours the swelling disappeared. There was no subsequent relapse.

(Editor: An authorless article? We apologize. We seem to have misplaced the name. The author please contact NJH and we will publish his name in next issue)