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Case Study

The Resurrection
Balakrishnan E.
Hyos / Staph / Arn / Calc / Ruta.

Case 1:

The patient was a boy aged 22, a third year Engineering student. The parents were extremely worried when the boy did not return home for three consecutive days. His whereabouts could not be traced for more than two months. Finally, he was located in Surat in a miserable condition and brought back home. The boy lost all interest in his studies and lost an academic year; he did not attend to personal cleanliness or needs. Extremely emaciated, he remained closeted in his room without mixing with anyone, family members or friends. He spent sleepless nights. He was under psychiatric treatment for more than two months without any appreciable benefit. The treatment made him drowsy and listless.

While taking the case, the parents could throw little light on the possible reason for the boys running away from his home and his shunning away from all contacts, except that he failed in the recent college examinations, that he was backward in his studies compared to his younger brother who too was studying Engineering in the same class as the patient.

Initially he was given Hyoscyamus 200 a few doses without result. On the third sitting the case was reviewed, and the boy confided that his mind always dwelt on sexual matters because of which he had lost interest in studies. His mind was totally preoccupied on thoughts of sex with an irresistible desire for masturbation. The mere sight of ladies brought lascivious thoughts. This mental conflict goaded him to run away from home. The patient was given Staphysagria 10M twice a day for two days, and then once daily for another two days. There was no tangible improvement after waiting for a week. Ustilago 6 was prescribed to be taken twice a day for a fortnight. Within a week of this prescription the boys behaviour changed dramatically. He rejoined classes and started taking a keen interest in studies. The boy has graduated now into an Engineer with no complaints whatsoever.

References: (Repertory and Materia Medica)

  1. Lascivious, lustful (KR 61)- Hyos. Staph
  2. Insanity from onanism (KR 57) Hyos
  3. Mental symptoms from sexual excess (KR 79)- Staph
  4. Thoughts persistent, sexual (SR I)- Ustil
  5. Company averse to, desires solitude to practise masturbation
  6. Satyriasis (SR I 892)- Ustil
  7. Masturbate, irresistible tendency to (SR III 414)- Ustil
  8. Phataks materia medica Irresistible desire to masturbate.

Erotic fancies. Emissions every night and even when talking to a woman.

Case 2: Of Religious Insanity

Mr. K.N., aged 57, a government servant, while travelling in the train, late one night, was severely manhandled and robbed of his belongings. He was left in a dazed condition on the platform and was picked up by the police and taken to a suburban hospital.

Since the gentleman did not come home for two days his family and friends made frantic attempts to trace his whereabouts. They finally managed to locate him at the hospital where he was in a dazed condition, talking incoherently and had bruises and abrasions all over the body. His body was bandaged at several places. He was transferred to a Govt Hospital for more efficient treatment. He developed prolapse of rectum with an abscess. Mechanical manipulation failed to set right the prolapse. His mental condition too was a cause of serious concern since he could not even recognize his own kith and kin. A CT Scan of the brain did not show any head injury or abnormality.

For the rectal prolapse and the lemon sized abscess, a minor surgery was suggested. However, due to his mental condition surgery was postponed. The patient was also kept under the care of a psychiatrist. At this stage his relatives not being too happy with the results got him discharged against medical advice and placed him under Homoeopathic treatment.

Arnica 200 two doses followed by Calc-carb 200 followed by Ruta 200 thrice a day for two days were given. This relieved the prolapse, abscess and inflammation in a few days.

Meanwhile, a serious mental outburst took place. The patient became very violent and at times asked his wife and children to go away. He was sleepless and all the time talking of Vedanta and religion. He did not attend to his personal needs. He refused food and was always praying and reciting holy mantras. He talked as if he was in communication with God who was directing him what to do. This was a definite case of Religious Insanity. Stramonium 1M tds for three days and Passifloras Q 20 drops in water thrice a day daily was given. In the next two days the patient calmed down and was normal in every respect.

The rubrics used were-

  1. Rectum, prolapse- K 631 Calc, Arn, Ruta
  2. Trauma, Injury- KR 1358 Arn, Ruta
  3. Rectum abscess- KR 606 Calc-c
  4. Insanity- KR 56 Stram.
  5. Kneeling and praying- KR 61 Stram
  6. Praying always- KR 69 Stram
  7. Violent- KR 91 Stram
  8. Loquacity- KR 63 Stram
  9. Religious affection- KR 71 Stram
  10. Delusion, he is in communication with God- KR 26 Stram
  11. Recognise does not, relatives- KR 71 Stram.