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Case Study

Case 5: Boy with a Limp
Dr Vishpala Parthasarathy
'Arn / Cal-fl

A 5 and a half year old boy was brought on 14/1/06 by his maternal grand mother. He developed a sudden limping of the left leg along with Lt inguinal pain since last week of Dec 05. He visited 1 pediatrician and 2 orthopaeadic physician. They did all the investigations and X-rays. All blood tests are normal and pelvic X-rays showed no signs of necrosis. So neither diagnosis was offered, nor did patient have any relief in the pain.

Then 3rd orthopedic physician said it is a tensed synovitis and that an injury must have caused it.

Though patient and mother both were asked if there was any injury but they could not recollect any, except they said the grandfather plays with him on his legs and that could have caused some form of injury.

Simple medicines for simple problems: I gave him Arn 200, to be mixed in water and to be given 4 hourly along with Calc-fl 6x 1pill 3 times a day.

The grandmother called up on 17/1/06 and said: he does not even have a limp now! She congratulated me on this quick cure, and regretted wasting time before coming to me, though child is an old patient... Within 4 days -- the child is neither limping, nor complaining of pain in the limb!! Arn stopped and his constitutional Calc-iod 200 1 dose given to consolidate the action of the Arn.