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Case Study

Efficiency, thy name is Homoeopathy!
Dr Vishpala Parthasarathy

An Anecdotal Case: Our new compounder joined us in Feb 05. Normally, being the type A personality, I leave them well alone for the first month, waiting for them to be broken in by the rest of the Group.

A month and a half passed. This smiley big-eyed girl remained slow and anxious...I often found her staring at the computer screen for a full minute between 2 steps of the process of typing. Often, between patients, I would find her missing at the compounding table...on 14-4-05 I enquired as to the reason and learnt that if 3 patients descended at once, she would have to rush to the toilet!

I took matters in my hand. Early morning of 15-4-05, first thing, I seated her and explained that patients are our bread and butter and the raison d'etre of our life, without them none of us would be there, so any form of abhorrence to them and their ilk is a strict No-No. Then I asked if there are other problems they better be discussed and sorted out, which makes for easiness within. I looked up to find her smiling but her big eyes filled with tears! I gently patted her and said nothing to cry about, just handle jobs one after another. And so saying, I gave her a dose of - yes you guessed it Arg-nit 200 and set back to observe.

The day was a busy day, and there were no sounds of things falling or patients shouting etc. At the end of the day, I asked her how was it? Very good, she said. And the other compounder said, I had no difficulty, Vidya worked perfectly today!!

Moral Of The Story: So if you want perfection you need homoeopathy!!!!