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Case Study

Short Cases
Dr Mayur H Tolat
'Kali-iod / Sep / Radium-brom / Conium / Conium / Nat-m / Sil / Medo / Carc

Case 1: Kali-iod
An infant aged one month, started crying during and after stool for 2-3 days. I carefully examined his anus and found a small fissure. Many medicines, like Acid-nit, Sil, Ratanhia, came to mind, but before coming to any conclusion, I decided to consult various repertories. In Phatak's Rep pg 13, I found the rubric:

Anus fissure, infants in: the only drug mentioned was Kali-iod
I gave him Kali-iod 30 TDS for 2 days. He stopped crying with stool and to my utter surprise, the fissure was completely healed.

Before this, I had never used Kali-iod. Nor did I know Kali-iod for fissure. Not only this, but the drug is not mentioned in general rubric for Fissure in anus in Kent’s repertory also.

[Ed: It was probably Phatak's clinical acumen to connect syphilitic miasm, which must be so strong to bring a fissure in a infant so young and Kali-iod, which is a very syphilitic remedy].

Case 2: Sepia
Mr R, a 25 yr bachelor, came to me for corns on his feet, for last 4-5 years. There was pain on pressure. He had no other complaints.

He was employed in a shipping co. and had to go on sea traveling often. These travels affected his health very much. He has aversion for pickles and desire for ginger & warm food. He used to eat hastily; he preferred to sleep on abdomen and used to wake up from dreams of horrible faces. He also got dreams of flying. He sweated profusely, because of which, he avoided crowds for fear of suffocative feeling.

His father was hypertensive and died of renal failure.
I selected following rubrics:
Phatak's Rep:
Pg 43 callosities, corns: Sepia 1st grade
Pg 302 Sea, AGG: Sepia 2nd grade
Pg 1299 Perspiration, profuse: Sep - 1st grade
Synthetic (Vol 3):
Sleep, Position, abdomen, on Sep - 2nd grade

I gave him Sepia 1M one dose in the clinic only and placebo for 15 days. On his 2nd visit, corns were much reduced. To intensify the action of Sep I gave him a dose of Nux-vom 1M with placebo for 15 days again. On his 3rd and last visit, I could not find any corns on his feet. I gave him Sepia 10 M to prevent recurrence. A year has passed. There is not a single corn on his feet today.

Case 3: Radium-Brom
A 18 yr old Parsi girl, came for curing the pimples on her face, which she had for past two years. Worse summer. Her face was oily. Whilst taking her case in detail, she said that she had an aversion to ice-cream besides aversion to sweet. Up till now, I hardly found this symptom in any case, so, I decided to see this symptom only, in various repertories; and I found this rubric in Synthetic Repertory (Vol 2): Food, Ice-cream, aversion to; on P 249. The only drug mentioned was Radium-brom. I gave it on 30th potency; TDS for 3 days, there was not a single pimple on her face. With this quick result, she referred many cases of pimples to me, but none of them had aversion to ice-cream!

(Editor: Did they all get well??)
Note: In Kent's repertory, this drug is not mentioned at all in the rubric pimples.

Case 4: Conium
Ms O, a 52 yr widow with a son, came on 1.5.92 for Hypertension (190/100). She had undergone hysterectomy at the age of 34 yr for fibroid.

She tired easily with vertigo on standing for long time. She desires company up to such an extent that she may weep if alone. She was religious and fond of reading religious books. Her memory was poor. Her actions were hurried and she used to perspire profusely. I selected keynote rubrics for repertorisation:

Mind, weeping, alone, when (KP 93): Con, Nat-m
Genitalia-Female, tumors, uterine, fibroid: Con (KP 745)
Mind, Company, desire for (KP 12): Con, Nat-m.
Mind, Religious, (KP 71) Con, Nat-m.
Mind, Hurried (KP 52) Con, Nat-m.
Mind, Memory, Weakness of (KP 64): Con, Nat-m.
Perspiration, Profuse (KP 1299) Con, Nat-m.

I gave her Conium 1M, one dose only
1st follow up on 4.5.92: BP was 170/190 - no medicine 2nd follow up on 15.5.92: BP was 150/80 - no medicine 3rd follow up on 24.5.92: BP was 150/80 - no medicine

Her blood pressure was gone, and then she came for pain of knees with squatting impossible, which I treated with CC 200. (?) She is better till date i.e. 13.6.96. [Editor: The author should give follow-up till date. Also I would Q the treatment given to a 52 yr female for ht without any base line investigations.]

Case 5: Conium again
This case shows how quickly our medicine acts in cases of sterility also. A 30 yr female, married 11 years, came with Primary Sterility. Husband’s semen analysis was normal.

Her menses were irregular, late and with the sensation as if menses would appear, for the whole month. She was fair & good looking, with engorgement of breasts before menses, because of which she was very upset. She used to say, "why should I suffer from all these troubles without having pregnancy?" Her urine was scanty.

Her nature was irritable, active, hurried, with fear of birds & feathers. She preferred company rather than loneliness. She was talkative, and used to speak in foreign language during sleep.

I selected Conium on the following rubrics under Kent's Repertory:
Chest swelling, Mammae, menses, before
Perspiration, profuse
Genitalia - Female sterility
Mind, anger
Mind, company, desire for
Urine scanty
I gave Conium 200 TDS for 3 days only, and she menstruated for the last time under this treatment. She delivered a female child at full term.

Case 6: Nat-mur: A heart medicine?
Mrs P aged 55, one of my long standing patients of cardiac ailment, on anti hypertensive treatment, once came to my clinic at odd hours, with severe chest pain on the Lt side. Naturally, I was not present in my clinic. Because of my absence, a physician was called on visit. He gave her some injection.

After 2 hours, I came to my clinic and got the message. Immediately I went to her residence where I found her lying on her back with eyes closed and frowning, as if no relief from the pain, and lying with her right hand pressing on the heart region.

I did not disturb her by asking a single question, and came to my clinic, open Kent's repertory and saw the rubric:
Chest, pain, heart, pressure, and of, amel: Nat-m.
I sent three doses of Nat mur 1M to be taken at 10 minutes interval. She was relieved of her pain in couple of seconds after first dose and completely ameliorated in less than half an hour.

Case 7: Renal Calculi
A 39 yr female, came on 3/2/99 for bilateral renal calculi since 1-year. It started from right kidney to left kidney (In case of calculi, what does this mean?). She used to get typical (???) pain from back to front, increasing gradually with ineffectual desire for stool and much sweating. Pain was aggravated 3 to 4 pm, ameliorated by pressure on abdomen.

Mother had Koch's
I selected Silicea on following symptoms:
Direction, side, right to left: Phatak
Rectum, constipation, ineffectual urging: Synthesis
Kidneys, stones: synthesis

I gave Sil 30 TDS for a week. She visited on 10th February again with no noticeable change. This time I gave Sil 200 for a week. On 24th February she passed one stone. Rx Silicea 1M one dose at the clinic with Sl for a week.

She passed stones frequently under Sil. and is still under treatment as she has multiple stones.

Case 8: Medorrhinum
Mr B K, 28 years, came with Psoriasis since last 7 years, which spread from above downwards. No other complaints.

Craving for tobacco chewing, whiskey and warm food. Aversion for milk and sweets. He used to sleep on his back. He was very hurried in his habits, and told me, "Doctor, I feel every one in this world is slow, I don't find anyone is as fast as I am". He had aversion to study during his school time.

I selected following rubrics in Synthetic Rep. and I found Medorrhinum:
Vol 1 P 581: Everybody moves too slowly
P 579: Hurried
Vol 2: P 274: Food, sweets, aversion
P 279: Food, warm, desire
P 223: Food, Brandy/Whiskey, desire
P 638: Tobacco, desire
Vol 3: P 56Sleep, Position, back, on

For the whole year I gave him Med 1M and then 10M in infrequent doses. He was so much happy with the treatment that he offered me some donation for my poor patients, which I declined. In Chronic Miasm, J H Allen mentions Psoriasis as of Sycotic miasm, though Medo is not indicated in rubric of Psoriasis.

It is said that Nosodes do not come out nicely on Reportorisation.

Case 9: Carcinosin
A lady brought her 7-yr old son for the treatment of a hypopigmented spot near the left corner of his lips for a year. The spot was rough to touch. He has no other complaint. He was thin, delicate, keeping 1st rank in the school and very fastidious, clean & neat. No major past history except Rt ear otorrhoea 4 years ago.

Mother had 1 FTND, 1 Forcep & 1 abortion. PGM has wet eczema.

Child sweated profusely on head, face and chest. Had strong desire for chocolate. (surprisingly, mother also had craving for chocolate (only during his pregnancy and at no other time), spinach and sweets. His appetite was poor. He used to sleep on abdomen and used to dream of cycling.

I selected Carcinosin from following rubrics in synthetic rep.
Vol 1: P 474 Fastidious
Vol 2: P 229 Food, Chocolate, desire
Vol 3: P 54 Sleep, position, abdomen on
Carcinosin 1M one dose on 14.5.95.
2nd follow up - 22.5.95 - Spot was much fainter. No medicine
3rd follow up - 10.6.95 - Spot was difficult to trace.