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Case Study

Let The Peculiar Symptom Guide
Takyar S M.
` Asar / Tell / Cin / Aran / Lach

Father of Homoeopathy, Hahnemann said, in all other so called corporeal diseases the condition of the disposition and mind is always altered But during my practice spanning over four decades, by and large, I have found that location, specificity, direction and periodicity indicate the remedies which prove 100 percent efficacious. Repertorisation based on emotional and mental symptoms may result in a wild goose chase.

At the end of 20th century when Cancer, the horrendous Hydra-headed monster, is looming large as the fourth Miasm and which perhaps is the logical outcome of Radiation, all pervasive pollution and ever-so-fast hectic and synthetic lifestyle, I am of the opinion that mental and emotional symptoms dont surface graphically,indicating the panaceaic medicine.

In cases where people use hair-Dyes, some users develop peculiar symptoms like violent itching, swelling and inflammation on the lips, in the eyes; Nitric acid and Nat mur have proved clinically to act as antidotes; hence the remedy, not withstanding mental or emotional symptoms whatsoever.

Case 1:

An old friend, also an experienced Allopath, who in the course of his practice, many a times used to prescribe Homoeopathic medicines, underwent successful (as the surgeon claimed) surgery for cataract of the eye but after a few days started suffering a stabbing pain in the operated eye. His clinic happened to be exactly opposite my clinic at Sirhind, and I used to visit regularly in the evening. This elderly friend an octo-genarian and revered personality of the town literally pulled up the surgeon and told him, You declared the surgery to be successful and look! I, the accused one, continue to suffer stabbing pain His surgeon prescribed some painkillers which proved ineffective. One evening during my routine visit to his place he shot an ultimatum, Dr. Takyar! couldnt you do something to alleviate my suffering? As I had treated several such cases earlier, I simply gave him Asarum200 to be taken 3 hourly. The pain was gone in a day or so. Again, mental and emotional symptoms were not considered at all.

Case 2:

Some fifteen years back a barber patient of mine related to me the woeful plight of a leading M.B.B.S. doctor of Ambala. The doctor was suffering from Sciatica of the left side, was confined to bed and in desperation had pulled down the shutters of his clinic. My barber patient knew all the details as he resided in the garage of the doctor, I learnt from him that the physician had remained under treatment at AIIMS Delhi for about a month, but to no avail. I readily offered my services if the doctor should not mind taking Homoeopathic medicine. Subsequently, on the persuasion of my patient I was sent for examination. After a careful observation of the location, the specificity and direction of the pain, I found it radiating downwards from the lumbar region to the lateral side of the leg. This, for me, was sufficient indication of Tellurium. I gave him Tellurium 1M to be taken at 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. followed by two doses in the next morning at 8 and 11 a.m. and six SL to be taken 3 hourly. The pain which was so excruciating disappeared within ten days. After about fifteen days when the patient suffered slight pains, again a dose of Tellurium 10M was administered. Thence forward no other treatment was given. The doctor started attending his clinic regularly. All these years there has been no relapse. Again mental and emotional symptoms were hardly attended to.

Case 3:

Recently, the grandmother of a new-born male baby came to my clinic and requested me to examine the child as he was not taking breast feed and was not ready to hold the nipple in the mouth. While the old lady was relating to me the distress of the entire family, her elder daughter-in-law came and told me that the childs rectum was unusually red. At that time, a student who had appeared in the II year of D.H.M.S. exam, was sitting in my clinic. She was coming to me for practical training. No doubt, I knew the medicine but to teach the student I directed her to consult Kents Repertory and find the medicine under Chapter Stomach sub-rubric Aversion to Milk. She came out with Antim-crud to be the right medicine. I pointed out to her the specificity of the redness of the rectum surely indicated Cina because the said medicine covered both the symptoms. Only two doses of Cina 6 were given. The results being immediate, the child started taking mothers milk and the redness around the rectum was also gone. I again repeat, mental symptoms were not taken into consideration.

Case 4:

A patient came to me with a notably peculiar symptom. It was severe toothache which would appear every year. The pain was almost of seven years standing. I took the periodicity to be the leading symptom and gave him one dose of Aranea-diadema 200 followed by SL tds for two days. Four years have gone by and the pain has not recurred. Now whenever the patient comes my clinic he shows his profuse gratitude for having rid him of his early trauma.

Case 5:

An old lady approached me some two months back at Sirhind clinic for the treatment of her daughter-in-law whose Fallopian Tubes (Gynecologists diagnosis) got blocked after the first issue, five years ago. The Gynaec had advised surgery which the family wanted to avoid. I had a flash of intuition. It came to my mind that Lachesis re-establishes and vacates all suppressed discharges : why it should not remove the blockage of the tubes. I may hasten to add the diagnosis was intuitive. I gave the patient two doses of Lachesis 1M and followed with SL. The patient did not menstruate the following month. The urine test revealed the patient in question had conceived.

I could cite numerous such cases where location, specificity, direction, and periodicity proved to be the key symptoms in the treatment.

EDITOR: One mans meat is another mans poison, so true an adage, more on in Homoeopathy. That is the raison-d etre of the issue. But I feel every approach is valid and depends on the case. Actually when Hering talked of the 3-legged stool or Allen talked of Key-notes, remember all these point to a remedy. If you explore the remedy further you will find mentals and physicals are both covered. So there is actually no division : this division is man made, Mental Homoeopaths and Physical Homoeopaths.