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Case Study

Homeopathy works in any setting
Dr Navin Pawaskar
'Kali-ph / Tub

Introduction: This case was treated in a rural area in one of the costal town of Andhra Pradesh, where ICR had set up a project at V.N hospital that had facility only for basic diagnostic care. Detailed diagnostic work out was not possible due to lack of facility and also due to financial limitations of the patients who came from very poor financial back ground. This patient was no exception.

Smt C M, 25 y, a Weaver, a Hindu and Non-vegetarian
Her husband was also a weaver.
Brother: 1 unmarried Sister: 1 unmarried
Sons: None and 3 Daughters: \ 4 Yrs \ 6Yr \ 11 months

Chief Complaints

Location Area




Spread Tissue
Organ system
(Organ) Liver



Strict Time

Since 15 days
Day 1
Day 2

Fever moderate

Not > allopathy

Not> homeo treatment

Thirst increased


Since 15 days
Since 3 days

Yellow urine
Stool white
No Loose motions
No abdominal pain
Vomiting only once
Food and mucus

Not > telugu Rx

Covering (night)

Since 24 hours

No change in sleep pattern


Delirious altered sensorium.

Patient as a person: Physical characteristics

1. Build
2. Digestion
3. Elimination
Stool color
4. Menstrual Function

Appetite: Low

D normal

LMP 2\2\98
Duration 4 days
Stains does not

Thirst increased

Consistency normal

Menarche late
Regular +

Cycle 30 days

Life Space Investigation
Patient stays in a family with husband and 3 daughters. Husband is a weaver. She came from a poor family. She was very close to her parents. She has 1 brother and 1 sister, she has anxiety regarding the financial conditions of her parents. Though they are staying in the same village as that of the patient, she does not visit them often but gets the information regarding them.

She is also very attached to her husband. She does not mix with neighbors or other people, as she says if her husband is around she does not need anybody to talk with. She is afraid to talk to new people, she prefers staying at home. Her self-esteem appears to be very low. Husband says she is a closed person.

She desires company constantly, but only of family and has fear of staying alone. During the nights, can't go to toilet alone. She at least needs the company of her daughter. She is irritable by nature; gets angry when her daughters trouble her. She will beat them up, get angry at her husband also on any issue. When angry, she won't talk to her husband for 6 to 8 hours. When she is forced to do something then too she gets angry and immediately retaliates. Now she is worried about her three daughters as she has to get them married and resources are limited.

Thermal Modalities:
Covering in winter; Uncovering in summer
Bath: Cold in summer; Tepid in winter
Ventilation very poor in the house
Ambithermal C3H2

Physical Examination
Temperature afebrile.
Pulse 80 Resp rate N
Conjunctiva sclera yellow
Mucous membranes yellow,
Skin dry scaling

Systemic Examination
Wt 34kg., lymphnodes,
RS Normal
PA Shaped scaphoid, Tender Rt Hypo, Liver++
CVS Normal
CNS disoriented. Speech normal
Motor function: cranial nerves: reflexes: planter: normal. NO flaps

03/02/98: Urine Values: Bile salt pigments present
CBC Values: 03/02/98 19/02/98
WBC Total: 13,600 11,850
3/2/98: S. Bil 19.6mg%
19/2/98: HBs AG +ve ( after a few days of treatment)
21/3/98: S.Bil 2.2mg% ( final test results)

Planning and programming of treatment
A. Chronic Deep Acting 
Constitutional Remedy is needed
Kali-phos selected on the following symptoms
Anxious, nervous, dependent
Indisposed to talk to strangers
Fearful dark, alone
Low self esteem
Desires company
Insomnia concomitant to hepatitis
Inflammation liver http://www.njhonline.com/images/rtarrow.gif toxic. brain delirium
Intercurrent Remedy: Tub-bov

Basis of Prescription: Kali-Phos
Basically a nervous, shy type of person with strong attachment with family especially with husband. Irritability is expressed only with family members to whom she is strongly attached. She desires company of her near and dear ones only.

This goes well with the theme of kali
Phatak describes irritability and low self esteem of Kali-phos which prevents her from interacting with strangers. Her shyness dominates at times.
Insomnia as a concomitant came up in the evolution of the disease.
Involvement of brain and sensorium leading to delirium from toxic condition.
Involvement of liver as the base organ for seat of the disease.

Selection: Tuberculinum-Bovinum was selected based on basis of dominant miasm.
Considering the deep seated illness with infective etiology with early signs of toxemia services of intercurrent would be required was anticipated.
Infective inflammation of the liver gland, inflammation leading to necrosis and suppuration of hepatocytes at microscopic level... chloestatic stage..toxemia
The internal pathogenesis expressing in the form of jaundice with concomitants of weakness fatigue, altered sensorium.
The concept of structure form function was used to understand the tissue involved, the alteration in the tissue and its expression in form of concomitants and sensations keeping in mind the pace and time in evolution.

Introduction: This case was treated in a rural area in one of the costal town of Andhra Pradesh, where ICR had set up a project at V.N hospital that had facility only for basic diagnostic care. Detailed diagnostic work out was not possible due to lack of facility and also due to financial limitations of the patients who came from very poor financial back ground. This patient was no exception.

Smt C M, 25 y, a Weaver, a Hindu and Non-vegetarian
Her husband was also a weaver.
Brother: 1 unmarried Sister: 1 unmarried
Sons: None and 3 Daughters: \ 4 Yrs \ 6Yr \ 11 months

Chief Complaints

Location Area




Spread Tissue
Organ system
(Organ) Liver



Strict Time

Since 15 days
Day 1
Day 2

Fever moderate

Not > allopathy

Not> homeo treatment

Thirst increased


Since 15 days
Since 3 days

Yellow urine
Stool white
No Loose motions
No abdominal pain
Vomiting only once
Food and mucus

Not > telugu Rx

Covering (night)

Since 24 hours

No change in sleep pattern


Delirious altered sensorium.

Patient as a person: Physical characteristics

1. Build
2. Digestion
3. Elimination
Stool color
4. Menstrual Function

Appetite: Low

D normal

LMP 2\2\98
Duration 4 days
Stains does not

Thirst increased

Consistency normal

Menarche late
Regular +

Cycle 30 days

Life Space Investigation
Patient stays in a family with husband and 3 daughters. Husband is a weaver. She came from a poor family. She was very close to her parents. She has 1 brother and 1 sister, she has anxiety regarding the financial conditions of her parents. Though they are staying in the same village as that of the patient, she does not visit them often but gets the information regarding them.

She is also very attached to her husband. She does not mix with neighbors or other people, as she says if her husband is around she does not need anybody to talk with. She is afraid to talk to new people, she prefers staying at home. Her self-esteem appears to be very low. Husband says she is a closed person.

She desires company constantly, but only of family and has fear of staying alone. During the nights, can't go to toilet alone. She at least needs the company of her daughter. She is irritable by nature; gets angry when her daughters trouble her. She will beat them up, get angry at her husband also on any issue. When angry, she won't talk to her husband for 6 to 8 hours. When she is forced to do something then too she gets angry and immediately retaliates. Now she is worried about her three daughters as she has to get them married and resources are limited.

Thermal Modalities:
Covering in winter; Uncovering in summer
Bath: Cold in summer; Tepid in winter
Ventilation very poor in the house
Ambithermal C3H2

Physical Examination
Temperature afebrile.
Pulse 80 Resp rate N
Conjunctiva sclera yellow
Mucous membranes yellow,
Skin dry scaling

Systemic Examination
Wt 34kg., lymphnodes,
RS Normal
PA Shaped scaphoid, Tender Rt Hypo, Liver++
CVS Normal
CNS disoriented. Speech normal
Motor function: cranial nerves: reflexes: planter: normal. NO flaps

03/02/98: Urine Values: Bile salt pigments present
CBC Values: 03/02/98 19/02/98
WBC Total: 13,600 11,850
3/2/98: S. Bil 19.6mg%
19/2/98: HBs AG +ve ( after a few days of treatment)
21/3/98: S.Bil 2.2mg% ( final test results)

Planning and programming of treatment
A. Chronic Deep Acting 
Constitutional Remedy is needed
Kali-phos selected on the following symptoms
Anxious, nervous, dependent
Indisposed to talk to strangers
Fearful dark, alone
Low self esteem
Desires company
Insomnia concomitant to hepatitis
Inflammation liver http://www.njhonline.com/images/rtarrow.gif toxic. brain delirium
Intercurrent Remedy: Tub-bov

Basis of Prescription: Kali-Phos
Basically a nervous, shy type of person with strong attachment with family especially with husband. Irritability is expressed only with family members to whom she is strongly attached. She desires company of her near and dear ones only.

This goes well with the theme of kali
Phatak describes irritability and low self esteem of Kali-phos which prevents her from interacting with strangers. Her shyness dominates at times.
Insomnia as a concomitant came up in the evolution of the disease.
Involvement of brain and sensorium leading to delirium from toxic condition.
Involvement of liver as the base organ for seat of the disease.

Selection: Tuberculinum-Bovinum was selected based on basis of dominant miasm.
Considering the deep seated illness with infective etiology with early signs of toxemia services of intercurrent would be required was anticipated.
Infective inflammation of the liver gland, inflammation leading to necrosis and suppuration of hepatocytes at microscopic level... chloestatic stage..toxemia
The internal pathogenesis expressing in the form of jaundice with concomitants of weakness fatigue, altered sensorium.
The concept of structure form function was used to understand the tissue involved, the alteration in the tissue and its expression in form of concomitants and sensations keeping in mind the pace and time in evolution.