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Case Study

Allergy to Wood
Dr A S Mann
'Sep / Aur-met / Verat / Hepar-s / Acon

CS Aged 35 yrs came to consult at weekly unit at Bhawanigarh on 4/9/03. He is a good carpenter by profession from 10 yrs but he had allergy working with wood of "Tahli" (a variety of wood) that hindered his business. He used to get itching and urticaria. Due to his poor financial condition, big family and less income, there was no other way than to undertake the work, so he was in great trouble.


  1. Delusion poor he is
  2. Fear starving of
  3. Undertakes things against intentions (Sepia and Phos only drugs)

4/9/03 Sepia 30 1 Dose
18/9/03 Improved. Less itching and urticaria. SL given
2/10/03 > SL
16/10/03 > SL

Then he came on 5/3/04. I saw his slip, I had forgotten him as he had not come after that. He wrote: "I was totally cured, working well on Tahli wood. No problems at all. You have saved me and my family from such great problems, for which skin specialist had said that there is no treatment in allopathy."

I was also astonished to see the results because due to rush of patients only one question was asked and only 3 rubrics were taken. Such is the beauty of this system for selection of mind.

Other Rubrics of Sepia

  1. Delusion poor he is
  2. Fear poverty of
  3. Fear starving of
  4. Delusion starve family will
  5. Helplessness feeling of
  6. Undertakes things against intention

She/ he is poor and fears starving. He/she is helpless in the circumstances, therefore undertakes things to which he internally disagree. It is his poor condition. Eg A Sikh lady shifted to Canada and had to work under Canadian Manager who was chain smoker. Though her religion did not permit her to work near the person who smokes. She worked and became depressed.

Some other Rubrics of Sepia

  1. Indifferent loved ones to
  2. Indifference to his family
  3. Company aversion to, avoids sight of people, lies with eyes closed (only Sepia)
  4. Irritability spoken to when
  5. Aversion sex opposite to
  6. Sadness coition after
  7. Anxiety coition after
  8. Delusion poor she is
  9. Fear poverty of that she is bodily poor and fears further poverty of physical health, so company aversion to, desire to lie down with eyes closed and total aversion and refusal to sex as she has no capacity and feels sad after coition

One More Aspect of Sepia

  1. Dreams rape of
  2. Threat of rape, pursued for the purpose of rape

A lady aged 50 yrs was mentally upset, visited to so many tantriks, babas was totally cured with single dose of 30 potency of Sepia. She has dream as if one lady catches her and a young boy tries to rape her and so in dream she involuntarily passes urine.

Some of the following medicines are used with new themes and found good results


  1. Excitement amel
  2. Excitement hope as in joyous

Whenever a work has to start, he is in excited mood, in joyous mood to work, even the interest in work continues, because he feels excited by any new work and joyful hope of being successful but this hope does not continue for long time, then he becomes disinterested in his work and becomes sad.


  1. Desires, full of desires everything
  2. Selfish
  3. Obstinate, simpleton as a
  4. Wander desire to

The child is full of desires, he needs this thing and that thing and especially the thing another child is having, using, he will obstinately cry for that thing and will even snatch from that child. And further on observation and enquiry it has been found that, the child has nature of wandering hither and thither, he will come from school, throw away bag and run away to street.


  1. Delusion poor he is
  2. Fear disfigured of being

In cases where the child or adult has already some poor feeling in external appearance ie pimples, scars or in girls hair on face and has great fear of being disfigured. In one case of fever I tried this and our colleague Manjit Singh Cheema said to give Hepar-sulph as the girl aged 14 yrs, has great fear of being disfigured, that she has some hair on her face, so she was continuing Homoeopathy in high fever from 7 days, said, "I fear from allopathy, many more hair will appear on my face. I will be disfigured mama."


  1. A/F financial loss
  2. A/F business failure
  3. Ambitious
  4. Fastidious
  5. Weeping involuntarily, desire to weep all the time
  6. Company desire for
  7. Bed desire to remain in
  8. Avarice

A person aged 48 yrs, having very good income, own agriculture land and in government service but this year he suffered loss in honey bee keeping business which he was as side business, actually it was not loss but income was not upto that mark as he desired. His wife came out of depression with homoeopathy and now encourages him not to worry as we have all the other sources of income but that person even wept in front of us and was not able to come out of that stage of fear. He had desire to weep and weep many a times, desire to remain lying in bed and he is too much fastidious in nature, too much avarice by nature.

He came out of depression just in one week after correct prescription of Pulsatilla 30 one dose.


  1. Hopeful alternating with despair
  2. Doubtful of recovery
  3. Delusion body deformed, some part is
  4. A/F, accident sight of an

These are very clear indications of Aconite, he is hopeful of recovery when there is some improvement but the hope vades and becomes sad when the disease starts increasing again, then he has despair and doubtful of recovery.

When symptoms appear again, he thinks some organ of body is deformed, has some dangerous disease of internal organ.

He cannot see or stay at the accident sight, he becomes mentally upset 'Ghabrahat' by seeing accident.