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Case Study

Can you afford to be down in dumps?
Dr Neelofer Shaikh

A girl, our old patient of 1995, came back to us in 1999 with the following complaints:




Physical since12yrs 
< 3 mths

Profuse perspiration of palm and soles -cold and offensive palm and soles would become red hot and numb. Muscles of body would become stiff and numb and she would start shivering.

A/F broken marriage
< change of weather
< tension
< tea

Skin since 1yr

Hot and red with intolerable itching

< evening
>cold application


Acne - pustular and Itching

< tension
< menses before

Eye - Rt

Black spot in vision


Patient as a Person
Build - Fair, tall, thin
Appetite - Good
Cravings - Bland food2, cold drinks3, sweets2
Aversions - Spicy food3, warm food3, warm drinks3
Thirst - 3 for large quantity of cold water
Stools - Occ constipated < bread
Urine - 5-6/day
Sleep - Disturbed < tension of office. 
Dreams - Daily events
Thermal - Hot pt3
Menstruation - 3-6/28-32 days, regular, moderate flow, dark red.
MB - acne, irritability
MD - leg pain
MA - leucorrhoea
FH - Not contributory
PH - Not contributory

Life Story
1971- Born in a close knit Sindhi family. As a child she was quiet and fearful. Fear of dark, cockroaches and lizards. Would get irritated on slightest things and start screaming and shouting. She was good at studies but would get very anxious before exams. Always wanting a change - Restless. Gets bored with routine.
1987 - SSC; 1990 - BCom;
1992 - MCom; 1993 - Joined ICICI. Very fussy about her reputation in the firm. She would not get along very well with the boss. Always anxious in the office which would lead to perspiration of palm and sole and sleeplessness. She would visit Saibaba temple in Panvel, where she had a guru. Guru suggested an educated Sindhi boy for her who used to visit the temple with his mother. Pt's MU (NRI) had big name in Panvel because he used to give massive donation to the temple. Her in-laws probably took this into consideration and asked for engagement at TAJ and wedding at JADE GARDEN. This was sponsored by MU. For engagement they asked for Seqeira Macey suit instead of Raymonds. Patient's parents agreed for all these, because they thought it would contribute to daughter's happiness. Finally she got married in Jan '96. On the very first night her husband revealed that he was only interested in money and he had not got the Rs 21 Lakhs he had demanded. She then became a servant for his mother. Marriage was never even consummated. Husband kept taunting and criticizing her about dowry. Never took her out, never allowed her to go out, not even to her mother's place. Once she visited her mother's house but they never came to pick her up; she returned by herself. Thus things went from bad to worse. She even thought of committing suicide.

Finally after 3 mths, she resumed her old job. Giving the pay packet also did not solve the problem. At last she went back to her mother's place. Guru tried to solve things between them but things got all the more worse. MU took it very badly and asked them to apologize to guru and return to the husband, which they could not agree, as probably next step could be immolation of the bride. MU stopped talking to her mother.

1st March 1996 she had rejoined her work. Husband continued to harass her by telling bad things about her character to her office people. Thus finally when she could not take it any more, she asked for divorce, which initially they disagreed, but when she threatened that she will file dowry case against them, they agreed. Thus they were divorced within 6 mths of marriage. Pt felt very bad about spoiled relationship between her mother and MU. There was an intense feeling of being rejected and cheated.


RO 1058

Humiliation A/F

RO 1076

Love A/F disappointed

RO 1038

A/F suppressed emotion

RO 1090

Rejected feeling

RO 1108

Suicidal depression

RO 997

Anticipation A/F

RO 1045

Fear dark of

RO 574

Heat sensation of.

RO 546

Av to spicy food

RO 451

perspiration of soles

RO 661

Perspiration of palms

Remedy : Nat-m 10M 1dose
Here no other remedies were required as Nat-m fitted the whole state. The whole incidence, which she narrated, was already 2 yrs old, but as she was relating it , you got the feeling that it had happened yesterday. It was still so much alive in the patient's mind.

Follow Up : 
13/2/99Anxiety > 40%;
Perspiration palms and soles >75%
Skin itching > 40%.
She is able to work better. Her work, which is in the stock exchange, is quite stressful and she often felt like chucking it up. After the medicine she feels the stress less, is able to cope and so enjoys her work more.
Each subsequent weekly follow up showed further improvement. Today she is functional, looking forward to her future. She is happy and proficient at her job. No medicine given in last 2 mths.