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Case 4: My mother favours my brother & embarrasses me
Dr Bhavini

Miss AC, 9 years old came to my clinic on 23rd Dec 2005. She is studying in 4th STD. Non Vegetarian. And live in London with her family. Her father, who was my patient at exactly her age, runs a branch business there.

Chief Complaint
GIT: Constipation. Frequency: Moves bowels only once in 2-3 Days. Consistency: Soft. Appetite: Reduced. Fussy about food. Craving: Non-veg, chicken, meat. Thirst: Reduced, 2-3 Glasses / Day, for Juices.

Patient As A Person
Fair. Hairy.
Teeth: No cavities.
Eye: Myopia.
Perspiration: Diminished.
Appetite: Changeable.
Thirst: 2-3 glasses/day
Craving: Chicken3, fish3, milk3, spicy3, sour3, sweets3.
Stool: C/C.
Urine: Normal.
Developmental History: Normal.
Mothers Obstetric History: G2P2A0L2. Delivery: normal. No significant problems during pregnancy or after delivery.
Sleep: Normal.
Dreams: NAD.
Thermal: Sun <. Enjoys winter, likes snow. Hates summer. Bathing: warm in winter, summer. Clothing: Tight, no Aggravation. Woolen in UK+. C2H3.

Family History: Cancer MP Uncle - 2.

Life Situation and Mental State
Date of Birth: 11/1/1997
2nd of 2 sibling. Born and brought up in London.
Brother: 11 years. Bossy. Troubles and teases her. Hassles others. She does not shares a good relation with the brother. Feels that mother takes always her brothers side and thus he always gets away doing wrong. Revealed her displeasure with the word "UNFAIR", parents being to her.
Brilliant student.

Emotional State
Irritable, shouts at bother, hits him.
Affectionate. But takes time to make friends. Has 2 Best friends. Likes to party.
Fears insects.
Anticipatory anxiety, nervous before exams.
Fastidiuos3. Plans.
Artistic: Interest art for, Plays piano.
< Contradiction3, screams.
> Company3.
Weeps, annoyed when.

Reportorial Totality
RM 1009 Carefulness
RM 1038 Embarrassment
RM 0996 Anger Violent
RM 1070 Irritable trifles at
RM 0997 Anticipatory Anxiety
RM 1017 < Contradiction
RM 1012 > Company
RM 1019 Cries anger with
RM 1110 Talks Excessive
RM 0544 Desire Milk
RM 0547 Desire Sweets
RM 0536 Desire Chicken
RM 0546 Desire Spicy
RM Hot
RM 1269 Constipation

Treatment and Follow Up






Carc 200 1st Dose





Stools OD. Is moving bowels everyday! Anger > 20%. Overall moods > 50 % said the mother



Took a mths medicine and returned to London