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Case 33: A case of migraine
Dr S K Mamgain
'Bac / Iris / Sang

A case of migraine of 15-16 years. On 7/1/2006 a 35 years old lady consulted me for migraine from which she was suffering for the past 15-16 years. In the beginning the attacks of migraine used to come once a year then the frequency gradually increased. And ultimately the pain became a regular feature, now the pain occurs almost daily.

Sanguinaria-canadensis 200 was given she felt some relief but did not continue the treatment. And she again started the empirical treatment.

She again visited on 5/6/2006 and started crying, tears running out of her eyes and requested to do something so that she may get immediate relief from the pain.

She told that the pain used to be so intense that she strikes her head against the wall and thrashes her forehead with hands. Thus her distress can easily be imagined. The headache often starts on waking in the morning and goes on increasing unto 8-9 pm.

·         Sensation of weight on head. The pain was situated mostly in forehead.

·         The pain used to be pulsating and very severe.

·         Temperament becomes irritable.

·         If she gets vomiting feels relief afterwards.

She had been taking strong pain killers but in vain.

Now I prescribed a dose of Bacillinum 200 followed by two doses of Iris-vericolor 200 to be taken 8 hourly. I asked her to report after 24 hours. When she came to report the next day she was all smiles. She told me that she was feeling great relief in the headache, only aching in the scalp was persisting which may be due to the injury she incurred by striking the head against the wall and thrashing the forehead by hand during severe pain.

There is no relapse of the severe attack so far after two months when I am writing about the case.