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Case 38: And the Piles disappeared!!!
Dr Smita Akale
Dr M L D Hospital

Mrs SSU, 21 years, Hindu, married, from a middle class family,10th passed, housewife came to palghar hospital OPD on 25/01/06.

Chief Complaint: Protrusion from anal region since 1½ year.

History of Chief Complaint: Patient was apparently well 1 ½ years. She developed constipation during pregnancy in the last trimester. Stools were hard, black, painful with flatulence, later blood streaked with burning and itching at anal region. Later started developing a protrusion with pain as if sticks in the rectum and itching of vulva. Associated with palpitation. Piles < sitting, < passing stool, < night, > applying cold water, > standing.

Patient as Person
HT: 5 Feet 1 inches. WT: 40 kg.
Perspiration: Normal. Non-staining.
Hair: Normal.
Appetite: Good. Can't stay hungry.
Craving: Hot food², Sweets.
Aversion: Karela. Thirst: Normal.
Stool: 1 / day. Hard, black, painful, blood streaked with flatulence.
Urine: Normal.
Menstrual History: FMP: 13 YEARS OF AGE. LMP: 07/01/06, 4-5/30 days cycle, flow moderate, dark-red coloured, offensive², stains linen black. Pain in abdomen before menses and sensation of swelling of genitals during menses.
Obstetric History: Constipation. Pruritis vulvae during pregnancy.
Sleep: Disturbed due to complaints.
Thermals: C4H1.

Past History: No history of any major illness in past.

Physical Examination: Lean, moderately, nourished and built. No signs of pallor, icterus, cynosis, clubbing, oedema. Tongue: Yellow coated, moist.
O/E: Temp: 97.8 F. Pulse: 74 beats/min, regular, full, no special character.
BP: 110/70 mm of hg.
Systemic examination: GIT- NAD. RS- NAD. CVS- NAD.
Local examination: Pile of ½ cm, tenderness². PR: Not done.

Investigations: CBC: Normal
Diagnosis: Haemorrhoids.

Treatment and Follow Up






Collinsonia 200 Tds x 7 days.


Anal burning > 30%. No itching of vulva, palpitations > 80%, stools painless but hard, sensation of sticks in rectum > 50%.

Collinsonia 200 Bd x 7 days.